Courses Offered at SDD-UBIDS-Formerly UDS WA CAMPUS

The Simon Diedong Dombo University of Business and Integrated Development Studies (SDD-UBIDS), is a Public Tertiary Education Institution established by an Act of Parliament SDD-UBIDS Act 2019 (Act 1001). Located in the Upper West Regional Capital, Wa, Ghana, is inviting qualified students to apply for admission into Undergraduate and Postgraduate Programmes for the 2024/2025 Academic Year.

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Apply For SDD-UBIDS (UDS WA Campus) Free Admission for 2024 WASSCE Candidates

The  (SDD-UBIDS) offers the following programmes:


Undergraduate Programmes

4-Year BA Integrated Development Studies
4-Year BA Environment and Resource Management
4 Y ear BA Entrepreneurship
4-Year BA Development Communication

Diploma Programmes

2-Year Diploma in Integrated Community Development

Postgraduate Programmes

MPhil in Environment and Resource Management
MPhil in Development Studies
MPhil in Development Communication
PhD in Development Communication
PhD in Environment and Resource Management
PhD in Development Studies I
PhD in Endogenous Development


Undergraduate Programmes

4-Year BA Economics
4-Year BA Social and Development Administration
-Year BA Geography and Urban Studies
4-Year BA Political Science
4-Year BA Sociology and Social Work

Postgraduate Programmes

MSc in Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems
MPhil in Social Administration
MPhil in Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems
MPhil in Development Economics
PhD in Social Administration
PhD in Development Economics

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Undergraduate Programmes

4-Year BA Integrated Community Development
4-Year BSc. Project Planning and Community Development
4-Year BSc. Planning
4-Year BSc. Real Estate
4-Year BSc. Land Management
4-Year BSc. Urban Design and Planning
4-Year BSc. Construction Studies

Diploma Programmes

2-Year Diploma in Estate Agency

Postgraduate Programmes

MPhil in Project Management and Community Development
MPhil in Strategic Planning and Management
MPhil in Monitoring and Evaluation
PhD in Planning for Sustainable Development


Undergraduate Programmes

4-Year BSc. Social Policy Planning and Development
4-Year BSc. Development Management

Diploma Programmes

2-Year Diploma in Development Management

Postgraduate Programmes

MPhil in Development Management
MPhil in Social Policy and Service Management
PhD in Development Management and Governance


Undergraduate Programmes

4-Year BA Integrated Business Studies (Accounting lManagement Option)
4-year Bachelor of Commerce (Human Resource Management)
4-Year Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting)

4-Year Bachelor of Commerce (Banking and Finance)
4-Year Bachelor of Commerce (Marketing)
4-Year BSc. Accounting
4-Year BSc. Accounting and Finance

Diploma Programmes

2-Year Diploma in Business Studies

Postgraduate Programmes

MPhil in Human Resource Management
MPhil in Accounting
MPhil in Finance
MPhil in Marketing and Strategy
PhD in Business Administration (Human Resource Management)
PhD in Business Administration (Management)
PhD in Business Administration (Accounting)
PhD in Business Administration (Finance)
PhD in Business Administration (Marketing and Strategy)
PhD in Business Administration (Procurement and Supply Chain Management)


Undergraduate Programmes

4- Year B.Ed. Business Studies (Accounting /Management Option)
4-Year B.Ed. Social Science (Geography/ Economics/ History /Political Science Option)
4-Year B.Ed. Accounting and Mathematics
4-Year B.Ed. Social Studies
4-Year B.Ed. Management and English

Diploma Programmes

2-Year Diploma in Business Education (Accounting /IVlanagement Option)
2-Year Diploma in Social Science Education (Geography /F{istory/ Government Option)

Postgraduate Programmes

MPhil in Business Education (Accounting lManagement Option)
MPhil in Social Science Education (Geography/ Economics/ History and Political Science
M. Ed. in Busines s Education (Accountin g lManagement Option)
M.Ed. in Social Science Education (Geography/ Economics/ / History/ Political Science option)

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Entry Requirements for Undergraduate Programmes

WASSCE or SSSCE holders who seek to apply for admission into our Undergraduate
Programmes must have at least C6 or D in all their three Core and Elective subjects. Candidates should therefore possess, at least, credit passes in the following:

1. Three core subjects (English Language, Mathematics (core) and Integrated Science/
Social Studies;
2. Any three Elective subjects such as Economics, Geography, Government, History,
Literature in English, Christian Religious Studies, Cost Accounting, Business
Management, Mathematics, Biology, Physics, Chemistry among others;
3. Should have an aggregate score of 36 or better at the WASSCE, and 24 at the SSSCE of
the best six subjects (three core and three elective);
4. For non-science sfudents, a grade in Social Studies may be used in place of the grade in Integrated Science in the calculation of their aggregates if the Social Studies grade is
better than the grade in Integrated Science. This is however, on condition that the
candidate has at least a pass in Integrated Science; and
5. For Science students, however, Social Studies (core) does not replace Integrated Science (core) in the calculation of candidates’ aggregates.

Mature applicants

1. Candidates must be at least 25 years of age and must show documentary evidence.

2. In addition, must have any of the following:

Five G.C.E. “O” Level subjects including English Language, Mathematics and
General Science; and SSSCEAMASSCE, passes in core English Langaage, Mathematics and/Integrated Science/Social Studies as well as two Elective science subjects including
Mathematics (Elective).

3. HND and other Diploma applicants seeking admission into Degree programmes should
possess at least a: Second Class Lower or better in related programmes, who may be admitted into Level 200.

Third Class or pass shall be considered for admission into Level 100.
Must pass a competitive examination andlor selection interview to be conducted
by the University.

READ ALSO  (New Update) SDD-UBIDS Opens Free Admission For 2020/2021 Applicants.

Entry Requirements for Diploma Programmes

To be admitted into a diploma programme, three credit passes in the applicant’s area of
specialization (elective subjects) and at least two passes (D7, D or better) in English Language and Mathematics in WASSCE/SSSCE are required. Any candidate without a pass in English Language, Mathematics (Core) or both should not apply for the Diploma programmes.

Entry Requirements for Postgraduate Programmes

A candidate seeking admission to pursue any of our PhD Programmes must:
1. Have an MPhiVMSc./l\4A Degree in the relevant field from a recognized University.
2. Submit an official Transcript of academic records, certificates and other relevant documents.
3. Include a short proposal on the applicant’s research interest.
4. Must pass a selection interview to be conducted by the University.

Applicants who want to pursue our MPhilAvISc. Programmes must also:
1. Have obtained a good first degree, at least second Class Lower, in the relevant field of
study from a recognized University or Tertiary Institution.
2. Submit an official Transcript of academic records and other relevant documents.
3. Include a short proposal on the applicant’s research interest.
4. Must pass a selection interview to be conducted by the University.


Application Procedure

1. Visit:
2. Click on the respective programme type, Undergraduate or Postgraduate. This will
take you to the online form to fill.
3. Fill the online form.
4. Print hardcopy of the application and send it together with the result slip(s) by
courier to:
The Acting Registrar
Simon Diedong Dombo University of Business and Integrated Development Studies
Post Office Box WA64
Wa, Upper West Region
Tel: 03 92097 25 6 I 0392097 257

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  1. Musah Alhassan says

    Please I have not yet received my admission notification , please change the program to any diploma program if I don’t qualify for the degree program which I applied for and give admission in any of the diploma programs

  2. Ofosu says

    Can someone ladder from diploma in business studies to health administration with second class upper

  3. Ofosu Gideon says

    Can I ladder from diploma in business studies to bachelor of education business studies

    1. Staff Member says

      Yes, please. You can use the DBS cert to apply.

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