Durban University of Technology Requirments

The General Admission Rules stipulate inter alia:

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(i) the overall minimum admission requirements of the University which must be met to enable a person to be considered for registration as a 5 student for study towards any certificate, diploma or degree, offered by the University or for non-certificate, diploma or degree purposes;

(ii) the minimum and maximum durations of study pertaining to certificate, diploma or degree study at the University;

(iii) the conditions under which the University will grant exemption from registration for a subject(s) which a student has already passed at any other equivalent educational institution and/or in terms of the University’s Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Policy;

(iv)the conditions under which the University will grant conditional or unconditional conferment of status of the equivalent pre-requisite qualification, for the purposes of registration for a higher qualification and/or advanced standing in terms of the University’s Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Policy;

(v) that the University may refuse the admission or readmission of any person as a student of the University. In so doing the University will stipulate the conditions which a person must meet in order to be considered for admission or readmission; and

(vi)that the medium of instruction is English.

(vii) University practice regarding credential evaluation will in the first instance take the form of conferment of status. That is, the academic department, as the discipline experts evaluate the applicant’s qualification/s for equivalence to the entrance requirement/s of the qualification applied for. The advice of the International Office and that of the Registrar’s Office may be sought in this evaluation. Only if an academic department is not able to obtain sufficient information to evaluate the applicant’s qualification for conferment of status, should a SAQA evaluation be sought.

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Both of these processes ie conferment of status and the SAQA, assess the level of the Qualification and not the authenticity of the Qualification/ certificate. The authenticity of the qualification/certificate will have to be evaluated by the official of the University involved with academic registration

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