BECE 2015 English Language Past Question and Answers

BECE 2015 English Language Past Question and Answers: The BECE exams are fast approaching and students who want to pass the exams are always advised to revise the previous year’s past questions from WAEC.

As a student, it is sometimes difficult to come by these questions, especially the questions written for the past decade. As an educational blog, we always try to get you these questions so you can learn them in the comfort of your home.

The Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) is an important exam for Junior High School students in Ghana, and the English Language is a compulsory core subject.

This page is dedicated to helping students prepare for the English Language exam by providing past questions and answers from the 2015 BECE.

By studying and practicing with these questions and answers, students can improve their understanding of the exam format, build their confidence, and enhance their chances of success.

You can also try your hands on the BECE 2014 English Language Past Question and Answers. It is recommended that you attempt the questions before checking the answers.




From the alternatives lettered A to D, choose the one which most suitably completes each sentence

1. Ntim’s careless driving resulted………a fatal road accident.

A. in
B. to
C. into
D. with

2. Abibatu takes ……… her mother in many ways.

A. by
B. on
C. up
D. after

3. Araba goes to school ……………. foot.

A. by
B. in
C. on
D. with

4. The doctor advised the patient to abstain……………. smoking

A. by
B. from
C. upon
D. with

5. The relationship……………. group A and group B is cordial.

A. of
B. with
C. among
D. between

6. Edwin prefers fish ………….. meat.

A. to
B. for
C. from
D. than

7. His neighbor complained that the radio was ………… loud.

A. far
B. too
C. much
D. enough

8. The white horse is……….. than the black one.

A. the faster
B. very faster
C. much the faster
D. very much faster

9. I………. him; then I changed my mind.

A. had told
B. have told
C. am telling
D. was going to tell

10. By the end of the day, I…….. the house.

A. shall paint
B. shall be painting
C. shall have painted
D. shall have been painting

11. You are a member of the society, ………… ?

A. isn’t it
B. are you
C. aren’t you
D. weren’t you

12. Our captain is not a very reliable person, …………… ?

A. is he
B. isn’t he
C. does he
D. doesn’t he

13. You have been to Lagos, ……………. ?

A. did you
B. have you
C. didn’t you
D. haven’t you

14. Joseph is the ……………. in the class.

A. cleverer
B. cleverest
C. more clever
D. very clever

15. The triplets love……………. very much

A. each other
B. themselves
C. theirselves
D. one another

16. The watch is old; ……….. it is still working.

A. Since
B. Besides
C. Although
D. However

17. The students set ……………. early on their journey.

A. up
B. in
C. out
D. about



Choose from the alternatives lettered A to D, the one which is nearest in meaning to the underlined word in each sentence.

18. If you are a true friend you will not disclose a secret.

A. give
B. show
C. display
D. reveal

19. As John waited for the interview, he was very nervous.

A. sad
B. afraid
C. alarmed
D. uneasy

20. Patricia was satisfied with the results of the examination.

A. pleased
B. convinced
C. pampered
D. encouraged

21. The attitude of the gateman was very hostile.

A. harsh
B. strange
C. abusive
D. unfriendly

22. It was not his intention to hurt his younger brother.

A. aim
B. decision
C. interest
D. ambition


In each of the following sentences a group of words has been underlined. Choose from the alternatives lettered A to D, the one that best explains the underlined group of words.

23. Ibrahim registered for the course at the eleventh hour. This means that Ibrahim registered

A. at eleven o’clock
B. a few hours before closing time
C. during eleven hours of registration
D. when it was almost too late

24. Bob lives within a stone’s throw of the Jubilee Park. This means that Bob

A. travels on a stony road
B. lives in a hut in the park
C. lives very close to the park
D. often throws stone at the park

25. When James heard the sound of gun-shots, his hair stood on end. This means that James

A. was worried
B. started crying
C. was frightened
D. became inactive

26. Mary has gone to cheer up her friend This means that Mary has gone to

A. shout at her
B. give her gifts
C. tell her stories
D. make her happy

27. The teacher’s abrupt question threw the pupil off balance. This means that the pupil was

A. hurt
B. annoyed
C. worried
D. confused.



From the list of words lettered A to D, choose the one that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word underlined in each sentence.

28. While the majority voted for a change, the ………….. were against any change.

A. rivals
B. members
C. minority
D. opposition

29. Imported rice is expensive these days.

A. free
B. cheap
C. tasty
D. scarce

30. The student was condemned for his poor work.

A. cheered
B. praised
C. rewarded
D. recommended

31. Although he had applied for a permanent post, he was only given a …….. one.

A. useful
B. boring
C. labouring
D. temporary

32. Some people pay much attention to their physical needs.

A. basic
B. moral
C. financial
D. spiritual


From the list of words lettered A to D, choose the one that correctly answers each question or completes the sentence.

33. A comedy is a play that

A. ends sadly
B. ends happily
C. condemns society
D. preaches honesty

34. The main female character in a play is the …………..

A. hero
B. chorus
C. heroine
D. persona

35. Expressions that appeal to the senses are collectively called ………..

A. irony
B. devices
C. pictures
D. imagery

36. The purpose of a comic relief is to ……………

A. reduce tension
B. teach a moral lesson
C. set a moral standard
D. compound a character’s problems

37. A play is better enjoyed when ………..

A. acted
B. read
C. discussed
D. memorised

38. A narrative poem usually ……………

A. praises actions
B. tells a story
C. mourns the dead
D. condemns actions


Read the following extract below and answer Questions 39 and 40.

So fair art thou my bonnie lass So deep in luve am I

And I will luve thee still my dear Till all the sea gang dry

39. The last line is a/an …………

A. litotes
B. hyperbole
C. euphemism
D. understatement

40. The rhyme scheme of the stanza is ………….

A. abcd
B. abca
C. abcb
D. abba


1. A. in

2. D. after

3. C. on

4. B. from

5. D. between

6. A. to

7. B. too

8. D. very much faster

9. D. was going to tell

10. C. shall have painted

11. C. aren’t you

12. A. is he

13. D. haven’t you

14. B. cleverest

15. B. themselves

16. C. Although

17. C. out

18. D. reveal

19. D. uneasy

20. A. pleased

21. D. unfriendly

22. A. aim

23. D. when it was almost too late

24. C. lives very close to the park

25. C. was frightened

26. D. make her happy

27. D. confused

28. C. minority

29. B. cheap

30. B. praised

31. D. temporary

32. D. spiritual

33. B. ends happily

34. C. heroine

35. D. imagery

36. A. reduce tension

37. A. acted

38. B. tells a story

39. B. hyperbole

40. C. abcb.



(First Sitting)



Answer one question only from this part


  1. You have won a scholarship to study abroad. Write a letter to your friend telling him or her at least two things that you will miss away.


  1. Write an article for publication in your school magazine suggesting at least two ways by which cheating in the BECE can be stopped.


  1. Write a story that ends, “This is why our friendship came to an end”.





  1. Read the following passage carefully and answer all the questions which follow


In the Western world, the family is simply made up of the husband, wife and children. This is called the nuclear family. In Africa, the family includes relatives from both the maternal and paternal sides. This is known as the extended family.

This relationship binds every member whose origin can be traced to the same ancestor. This has developed into such complex groups as clans among the Akans and kinship relations in other parts of Ghana and Africa.

Wherever the extended family is practiced, its benefits seem greater than its disadvantages. In Ghana, at the small community level, it brings unity among people. They share everything among themselves – wealth or problems. The system even binds and caters for others who may be separated by social factors such as marriage.


However, it often makes people look up to others for help when they could solve problems themselves. It also makes some members become lazy. In the long run the only well-to-do person in the family is made to shoulder the responsibilities of more people than he can really cope with.

Now, the question to ask is, has the extended family system any chance of continuing when the nuclear family is now gaining so much ground? Whether the extended family will continue or die out will depend on how strong the nuclear family becomes.


(a)         What does the word ‘family’ mean to:

(i)          the people in the Western world?

(ii)        the African?


(b)        What links people in the extended family system?


(c)         Mention two advantages of the extended family system.


(d)        Give two reasons why you would support the nuclear family system.


(e)         Explain the following expressions in your own words.

(i)          look up to

(ii)        made to shoulder

(iii)       gaining so much ground


(f)          For each of the following words, give another word or phrase that means the same, and can fit into the passage:

(i)          binds; (ii)origin;

(iii)       caters for;

(iv)       in the long run;

(v)         cope with.








(a)         What the word ‘family’ means to:

(i)          the people in the Western world?

To the people in the Western world, family is simply husband, wife and children.


(ii)        the African?

To the African, family refers to relatives from both maternal and paternal sides.


(b)        What links people in the extended family system

What links people in the extended family is their origin that can be traced to the same ancestor.


(c)         Two advantages of the extended family system.

(i)          It brings unity among people.

(ii)        It caters for those separated by social factors.

(iii)       Its members share everything among themselves. (any two)



(d)        Two reasons why you would support the nuclear family system.

Answers to this question may vary. Any appropriate response is acceptable.


(e)         Explanation of the following expressions.

(i)          look up to:       think highly of, admire, hold in high regard, view in high respect, etc

(ii)        made to shoulder:      made to bear, made to take on, etc

(iii)       gaining so much ground: becoming more important, becoming more popular, advancing steadily, winning massive acceptance, etc.


(f)          Other word or phrase that means the same, and can fit into the passage:

(i)          binds –              connects, links

(ii)        origin –             ancestry, roots, lineage, family, family tree, descent

(iii)       caters for        –             provides for, help

(iv)       in the long run –         in the end, eventually, at the end of the day, ultimately

(v)        cope with        –             handle, face, manage

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AnswersBECE 2015English LanguagePast Question
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