UEW Sandwich Mature Applicants Entrance Examination

UEW Sandwich Mature Applicants Entrance Examination: Please be mindful of the date and time for the papers in order not to miss them. You must write the papers as it is part of the admission process and requirements.

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Applicants who applied for Admission into SANDWICH PROGRAMMES using the MATURED ENTRY MODE option and have received an SMS message are being invited to write a Special Mature Entrance Examination on the UEW Entrance Examination Online Platform as follows:

Date: Friday,10th November, 2023


  • General Aptitude Test (G.A.T.): 9:00am-11:00 am
  • Subject Area Test (S.A.T.): 1:00pm-3:00pm


  • Winneba (North Campus, UEW)
  • Techiman (College of Distance and e-learning Study Centre)


  • Applicants are kindly required to come along with a valid national ID Card/Driver’s license for identification.
  • Index numbers for the examinations would be sent to candidates via text messages
  • Physical Education and Special Education applicants would write the examination in Winneba ONLY.

Applicants who have been invited via SMS will be required to log in with his/her Student Number (9-digit numbers) as a username and as a password to gain access to the Online Entrance Examination Portal.

On the said day, the invited applicant will be required to visit the UEW Website (www.uew.edu.gh) and follow the link to the entrance examination portal to participate in the examination. Or the applicant can use the following link http://entranceexams.uew.edu.gh/login/index.php to gain access.

UEW Sandwich Mature Applicants Entrance Examination – How to Write

  1. It is your responsibility to identify a convenient location where internet connectivity is reliable and disruptions are reduced to the barest minimum.
  2. You are advised to purchase the necessary internet bundle to access the UEW-Entrance Examination Portal. Note that social media bundles, late-night bundles, kokroko bundles would not enable you to access the UEW-Entrance Examination Portal.
  3. You are required to be within an internet connectivity zone to facilitate your participation in the examination. For example, if you are using a smartphone, adjust the settings in order to avoid incoming calls from disconnecting your internet connectivity.
  4. Entrance Examinations will be available for applicants only for the period designated on the timetable. Ensure that you finish your paper within the allotted time.
  5. Examinations on UEW-Entrance Examination Portal are timed by the system. The clock starts counting down as soon as you start work and the questions are taken away when the time is up. Ensure that you work within the allotted time.
  6. We advise you to log in to the UEW-Entrance Examination Portal at the exact time you are scheduled to write the examination. Anyone who attempts to log in before the stated time will be unsuccessful and would be denied access.
  7. The accessible time for the examination is 1 hour within which you have to answer the given number of questions.
  8. You would have 2 attempts on the examination within the time given
  9. In the event that you are momentarily disrupted by the internet or any other unforeseen hitch, you can log back into the UEW-Entrance Examination Portal to continue the examination from the point where the disruption occurred.
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Please note that Only Sandwich Mature Applicants who have received invitations via SMS are required to take the special mature entrance examination.

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