Best Brain May 2022 ICT Mock Questions PDF – Sample Extracts

Best Brain May 2022 ICT Mock Questions PDF:

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If you are looking for the MAY 2022 Information communications technology (ICT) Mock questions from the Best Brain examination Konsortium, then you can find them below. In this update, we have extracted the Best Brain 2022 May ICT mock questions for BECE candidates who wish to try their hands on.

If you are ta teacher, parent, or guardian who also needs sample ICT questions for your ward, you can download them from the below link. These questions are extracts, this means there may be some discrepancies with the may question paper.

All the questions were taken from the Best Brain 2022 May ICT mock. You can download the PDF version for these questions from the below article.

Find Below, the Best Brain May 2022 ICT Mock Questions.

[24 marks]
Answer Question 1

(a) Identify the educational ICT tools labeled I, I, II, IV, V, VI, and VIl below and state the general use of each.

Best Brain ICT(i) …………………………….

(b) Study the diagram below and use it to answer I, II, III, IV, and V

Best Brain ICT
(i) Give the Name of the file

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(ii) Give the file extension

(iii) Name the worksheet in the workbook

(iv) State the use of the command group labelled I, II, III, and IV

(v) Write down two formulas that can be used to find the average of all the marks entered in the spreadsheet using the SUM and AVERAGE functions.

(vi) Write down two formulas that can be used to calculate Wisdom’s total scores in all three subjects using operators and cell references only.

(vii) Describe two calculations in the spreadsheet that can be performed using AutoSum

(c) The window below is an email shown on a receiver’s computer screen. Use it to answer the question (c) (I) – (iv)

Best Brain ICT

(i) Identify the email service provider.

(ii)Give the address of the sender

(Iii)Give the email address of the receiver

(iv) State the functions of the following commands: 

Report Spam…………………………………….
Forward ……………………………………………..


Section B
[36 Marks]
Answer three questions only in this section

Question Two (2)

(a) In what four ways can a laptop be useful to a student as an educational ICT tool?

(b) Give two benefits of using PowerPoint software in the classroom

(c)  State four benefits of using e-mail

(d) In what two ways do students misuse smartphones?

Question Three (3)

(a) states three benefits of integrating ICT into education

(b) Differentiate between a Workbook and a worksheet.

(c) Write down the steps to create a new workbook.

(d)Describe three ways to save information from a webpage for later access.

(e) State two benefits of saving text from a web page in a word document.

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Question Four (4)



(i) What is the World Wide Web?

(ii) Describe how one can read the latest news on the website


(i) What is Video Conference?

(ii) Mention two benefits of video conferencing.

(c)  State two characteristics of an e-mail password that makes it more secure.

(d) Study the spreadsheet snippet below.


(i) Write the formula to calculate the total phone cells in cell B6 using cell Reference and the addition operator only.

(ii) Write the steps to calculate the total Leads in cell C6 using AutoSum

Question Five (5)

(a) State the use of the following features in Word:

(i) Ruler
(ii) Spelling and Grammar

(b) Give two disadvantages of using e-mail

(c) Write the steps you will take to obtain information from the internet using a search engine.

(d) Sena has entered 49+30 in a cell. The worksheet is not displaying 79 in the cell. Instead, 49+30 is getting displayed. Describe how Sena can rectify this situation.

Download The Best Brain ICT Question PDF Here.

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  1. Akesige Peter says

    Please when ever you give questions like this try to add the answers to it.but am interested in it. It is very very good

    1. Kezia says

      Yes please add the answers

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