Check How to Download Ghana Statistical Service (GSS) 2021 Population and Housing Census (PHC) Training Manuals

Ghana Statistical Service (GSS) 2021 Population and Housing Census (PHC) Training Manuals:

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Population censuses have been conducted in Ghana at approximately ten-year intervals since 1891.

  • Ghana has conducted five population censuses after independence – 2010 was the last.
  • The last two censuses (2000 & 2010) combined Population and Housing in one operation.
  • The last census conducted in 2010 recorded a total population of 24.7 million.

The rationale for conducting periodic censuses is to update the sociodemographic and economic data in the country and ascertain the changes that have occurred in the population structure since the last

Table of Contents

Who is a field officer in the population census?

Responsibilities of Field officers

  • Field Officers play important roles in the Census exercise.
  • The information collected by Field Officers is the foundation upon which the success of the Census will be measured.
  • Field Officers must make every effort to obtain complete and accurate responses and record them carefully and correctly.
  • Field Officers are therefore required to observe and adhere to the principles and practices in discharging their responsibilities in the field.
  • They are also to be conversant with the “dos & don’ts” on the field.
  • There is also the need to equip them with the requisite interviewing skills.

Roles of Enumerators

1. Identify the assigned Enumeration Area (EA).

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2. Educate and seek the cooperation of the community to participate in the Census.

3. List and enumerate all structures.

4. Identify locations of outdoor sleepers.

5. Help organize and participate in Census Night activities.

6. Enumerate the population (Households, Institutions, and Floating Population).

7. You must work through to the end of the Census data collection exercise.

8. You must work as a full-time enumerator without engaging in any other activity.

9. You must work without the assistance of unauthorized persons.

10. You must be a team player.

11. You must go back to the already completed structures/households to:

  • Resolve errors detected in your work by the Data Monitor.
  • Resolve errors detected in your work after a re-interview by your Supervisor.

Role of Supervisors

The supervisor is responsible for all Census work in the Supervisory Area (SA). The roles of the Supervisor include the following:

1. Assign EAs to enumerators in your SA before listing commences;

2. Report to the DDQMT and calls for support where necessary; E.g. reassigning of workload to enumerators.

3. Ensure that all structures are listed;

4. Ensure that all households are enumerated;

5. Check for duplicates and partially save cases for corrections and completeness;

6. Sync data with enumerators;

7. Review the work of enumerators;

8. Conduct re-interviews;

9. Sync data to HQ

10. Receive updates from HQ

11. Ensure to sync with enumerators anytime there is a CAPI update;

12. Run reports on EAs for omission and correction;

13. Check and assist enumerators to address the challenges they may encounter during enumeration.

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14 Report any problem encountered to the District Field Supervisor (DFS).Conduct re-interview

15. Conduct re-interview

  • You must conduct a re-interview to ensure consistency and accuracy of information being collected during Listing and enumeration using PHC 1A.
  • Re-interviews are meant to ensure that the Enumerator is prompted about the quality of his/her data before the end of Listing and PHC 1A enumeration.
  • The results from the re-interviews should be compared with the Enumerator’s work and correct errors if any.

16. You must accompany your Enumerators to go back to the already completed  structures/households to:

  • Resolve errors detected in their work after re-interview.
  • Resolve errors detected in their work by the Data Monitor.

National trainers, Regional Trainers, Supervisors, and District Enumerators are some of the officials who will be responsible for the conduct of the 2021 PHC. All officials of the 2021 Population and housing census are to download, read and understand the various components of the 2021 PHC.

Download Introduction to PHC 2021 Manuals For Regional Trainees

Download Introduction to PHC 2021 Manual For Enumerators/Supervisors

Download Manual on 2021 PHC Conduct, Role and Responsibilities of Field Officers

Download Manual on 2021 PHC Community and Household Entry Guidelines

Download Manual on 2021 PHC Achieving Complete Coverage

Download Manual on 2021 PHC Completing the Listing Form Part 3 LS10 to F01b

Download Manual 2021 PHC Use of Questionnaires in Enumerating Different Population Categories

Above are some of the important manuals regarding the 2021 population and housing census. Please download and go through it in your own free time. We shall continue to update this page with other relevant manuals as and when they are available.

READ ALSO  How to Check my GSS PHC 2021 Population status as an Enumerator or Supervisor

You can save this page for all future updates on the PHC 2021. Also, you can join the telegram page below this post or subscribe to the push notification so you don’t miss any latest updates from us.

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