University Of Health And Allied Science ( UHAS )

The University of Health and Allied Sciences, Ho (UHAS) was established by an Act of Parliament (Act 828 in December, 2011) and envisioned to become a pre-eminent research and practically oriented health educational institution dedicated to community service. The main campus including the central administration is in Ho. A second campus is located in Hohoe.

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UHAS is the first public university to be established in the Volta Region of Ghana and is so far the only state university wholly dedicated to the training of healthcare professionals in Ghana. The University currently runs eighteen (18) undergraduate programmes in six (6) schools and one (1) institute, namely;

  • School of Allied Health Sciences
  • School of Basic and Biomedical Sciences
  • School of Medicine
  • School of Nursing and Midwifery
  • School of Public Health
  • School of Pharmacy and Institute of Health Research

Others yet to be established are School of Sports and Exercise Medicine, School of Dentistry, Institute of Medical Education and Institute of Traditional and Alternate Medicine.


  • To provide higher education in the Health Sciences through teaching and research for persons suitably qualified and capable of benefitting from such education.
  • To disseminate knowledge and the results of research and their applications to the needs and aspirations of the people of Ghana.
  • To provide clinical and other skills services to contribute positively to improving the health status and overall quality of life, and foster partnerships with outside persons and bodies.
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UHAS seeks to be a pre-eminent health research educational institution dedicated to community service.

We shall realise this vision by taking innovative approaches to research, teaching and engagement with society, informed by a culture of scholarship, academic and service excellence.


UHAS will provide quality education, advance knowledge through scholarship and research that improves health and quality of life.


UHAS sets high standards of behaviour, promoting traditional values which underpin life-long learning and achievement. We believe that academic success flourishes within an ethos of clear expectations. We aim to foster the desire to learn and a love of learning which will continue into adult life. We will prepare our students as global citizens of a changing world, and equip them with the resources to interpret and deal with change.

Our values and ethos are enshrined in four beliefs that underpin our behaviour and how we conduct ourselves and our business as the pre-eminent health research and educational institution:

  • Excellence
  • Integrity
  • Innovations
  • Service and Care

UHAS approach is traditional in many ways, offering a proven quality education with a vision for the future. We are a school of opportunity, diversity and success, enabling students to achieve high standards within a caring community. We aim for students to develop socially as well as academically, be confident about themselves, motivated by a strong sense of personal worth and show consideration for others.


University of Health and Allied Sciences
PMB 31, Ho, Volta Region, Ghana.
+233 (0) 362 196122
+233 (0) 245 125359


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