Update on Ghana Immigration Service Screening and Aptitude Test Dates

Update on Ghana Immigration Service Screening and Aptitude Test Dates. (Body Selection and Document Inspection).

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The Mamagenemtn of Ghana immigration service has released the starting and the closing dates for the conduct of the GIS 2021 Screening and aptitude test schedules. This means all applicants who have been shortlisted for screening should expect a text message (SMS) from the GIS starting 14th October to 17th October 2021.

A circular sighted by our team indicated that the GIS screening and aptitude test will begin from Monday, 18th October to Thursday, 21st October, and an Aptitude Test on Saturday 23rd October in all the sixteen [16] Regional Capitals.

See the Full Content of the Circular Below.

Guideline for For GIS Recruitment 2021

As part Of the General Recruitment exercise, the Ghana Immigration Service will be conducting Screening (Body Selection and Document Inspection) from Monday, 18th October to Thursday, 21st October, and an Aptitude Test on Saturday 23rd October in all the sixteen [16] Regional Capitals.

2. In line with this, the Human Resource Department has developed guidelines intended to direct all activities throughout the entire exercise.

3. Also, some officers have been selected from headquarters to add up to officers selected from their respective regions to constitute Regional Recruitment Teams.

4. The Regional Recruitment Teams are to collaborate with the Regional Commanders to oversee the successful organization of the Recruitment Exercise.

5. All officers are advised to adhere strictly to the guidelines.

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6. Attached are a list of officers selected for the Regions and the General Guideline for GIS Recruitment.

7. Submitted for your attention and necessary action.

See the official Circular Document below

Update on Ghana Immigration Service Screening and Aptitude Test Dates

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  1. Emmanuel dadzie says

    I applied for 2021 enlistment and was selected but looking at this information means that the screening will begin tomorrow but I have not received any message yet for the screening center please. Am Emmanuel dadzie

    1. Staff Member says

      Please wait for the SMS. If you qualify, you’ll surely get the SMS.

      1. Sesi philip says

        Please do something

      2. Sesi philip says

        So it means all of us are not qualified,why.

      3. Amdelatu Issifu says

        Please I applied for the 2021 GIS and I was selected but I have not received SMS yet,please my name is Amdelatu Issifu

      4. Samuel Mensah says

        Please I have passed all the stages but am waiting for my message for medicals

    2. Sesi philip says

      Bro same i, I haven’t receive any text massage.why?

  2. Sesi philip says

    Bro same i, I haven’t receive any text massage.why?

  3. Frimpong Frederick says

    I’m Frederick Frimpong, part of selected applicant but as at now I have not been received any message, I heard that today too is the starting date for the screen. Please when will I received my message
    I applied as an mechanical engineer (Automobile) please here is my contact 0545811700

    1. Staff Member says

      See New Update here.

  4. Nantogma Sulemana yaw says

    I have to not receive any message yet

  5. Nantogma Sulemana yaw says

    I have to not receive any message yet and I was qualify and selected sir

  6. Owusu Dorcas says

    Please I was selected for Ghana immigration recruitment but my phone number we made a mistake instead of 0241622182 we made it 0241622128. Please how can I get my message for the screening center and the date please I need your hhelp.

  7. Nartey tetteh says

    Do we have to wait for text messages before we report for the aptitude test?

  8. Sheila Owusu Agyemang says

    Pls the aptitude test is tomorrow but I have not received any massage

  9. Klein says

    Lost my phone yesterday don’t know where I am writing my aptitude test pls any help ?

    1. Staff Member says

      Ask your friends whom you were with at the screening centre so you both can visit the exams centre together that’s if they’ve received their SMS.

  10. Isaac says

    Please when is the next recruitment starting?

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