Vaal University of Technology VUT

VUT Application 2020


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All prospective students are to ensure that VUT offers the programme they are interested in and meet the minimum entry requirements for admission. All applicants will be selected on merit by the faculty concerned and such selection may include selection and / or placement tests.

Applications for undergraduate courses close at the end of September each year.

InternationalĀ Applicants

Non South African certificates must be evaluated by the South African Qualifications Authority (Phone +27 (12) 431 5000) and submitted together with this application.

The address is:Ā SAQA, Postnet Suite 248, Private Bag X06, Waterkloof, 0145, South Africa.


Closing dates for submission of application forms:Ā For January registration 31 October.

Failure to submit a valid study permit on day of registration will result in the applicants forfeiting their place and all monies paid to date.

Late application forms will not be accepted or processed.

Selection will be based on the points obtained according to the following points rating schedule, together with bonus points and limitations as indicated.

International Students

International Students First Semester and Year Students: 30 September

VUT Application Form

Download Application Form Here

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VUT Application Status

Check your Application Status here

VUT Admission Requirements

General Admission Requirements

The minimum entrance requirements for admission to studies at the Vaal University of Technology is a Senior Certificate or equivalent qualification. A pass mark is required in at least one of the languages of instruction (English) of the University at Higher Grade (HG) or Standard Grade (SG).

If an applicant offers an N3 qualification as an entrance requirement, it should comprise at least four subjects, plus pass marks in two official languages (of which one must be English), at least at Senior Certificate level (SG).

Additional requirements are specified for each course/ instructional programme. Prospective students must please note that in the faculties of Engineering, Applied and Computer Sciences the minimum required symbol for Mathematics, Physical Science, and in certain cases English, are HG (E) or SG(C).

In the other Faculties and pending the course you want to enroll for, the average recommended subjects are: Accounting, Business Economics, Economics, Mathematics, Typing, Biology, Home Economics, Art, Physical Science, Clothing and Needlework.

Degree courses:Ā Admission requirements regarding post diploma and degree studies are available on request.

All applications will be selected on merit by the department concerned. A candidate who is at least 23 years of age may apply for conditional admission.

The Candidateā€™s application must be accompanied by the following:

  • Certificate stating formal qualifications.
  • Recommendation from the applicantā€™s employer stating that he/she has the necessary experience and communication abilities to complete the proposed instructional programme successfully.
  • If an application is conditionally approved, the candidate shall only be admitted to the second semester/year of study, provided that the full first year/semester course has been completed successfully.
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How to Apply

Apply to VUT

Applicants can apply using the application form or apply online. First, you have to make sure that you meet the admission requirements of the programme of your choice.

  • Applications are now opened for 2020

Note that some programmes may not be available at some campuses, so check availability first before you apply.

  • Application Fee Payment

NB: In the case of applications submitted by mail, payments will be accepted by bank deposit only. Use your ID number as the reference. Postal orders or bank guaranteed cheques must be made out to the Vaal University of Technology. No cash should accompany your application form.

The fee changes annually so please consult the admissions office +27 (0)16 950 9356 to determine the correct amount.

Banking details

Account Number: 530 861 945
Branch Code: 632005

Courses Offered

Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences




Non-Destructive Testing

Bachelor of Nursing

Information Technology (IT).Ā Find VUT Full List of Courses Here

VUT Contact Details

Vanderbijlpark Campus

Private Bag X021, Vanderbijlpark 1911
Andries Potgieter Blvd ā€“ South Africa
Tel: +27(0)16 950 9000

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