BECE Scheme of Examination (Areas of Study) & Topics of Syllabus

BECE Scheme of Examination (Areas of Study) & Topics of Syllabus: This post contains the Syllabus topics, Schemes of Examination, and Sample Questions for the subjects offered at the Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) in Ghana.

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This information is meant to guide teachers and candidates preparing for the examination.

The Section on the syllabuses contains only lists of major topics to be covered, so teachers and candidates are advised to consult the teaching syllabuses developed by the Ghana Education Service (GES) to thoroughly acquaint themselves with the scope and depth of material to be covered.

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Find below the BECE Scheme of Examination (Areas of Study) & Topics of Syllabus.


  • Lexis and Structure
  • Literature
  • Essay Writing
  • Comprehension

There will be two papers, Paper 1 and Paper 2, both of which must be taken. The Papers will be combined and taken in one sitting.

Paper 1: This will be an objective test consisting of two parts: Part A, Lexis and Structure, and Part B, Literature.

Part A will comprise 32 lexis and structure items and Part B, 8 literature questions.

All the 40 questions will have to be answered within forty-five (45) minutes for 40 marks.

Paper 2: This will consist of two parts. Part A – Essay Writing and Part B – Comprehension Test.

There will be three topics in Part A and candidates will be expected to write on only one. In Part B, there will be one comprehension passage and the candidates will be required to answer all the questions on it.  The paper will last one (1) hour and will carry sixty (60) marks.



  • Vocabulary
  • Comprehension
  • Subject/verb agreement.
  • Essay

There will be two papers, Paper 1 and Paper 2, both of which must be taken. The Papers will be combined and taken at one sitting.

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Paper 1: The Paper will consist of 40 multiple choice objective questions covering lexis, structure, and comprehension, all of which must be answered in one hour for 40 marks.

Paper 2: The Paper will consist of two guided essays and candidates will be required to answer one. The questions may require picture description, letter writing, narration, or description. The paper shall last 45 minutes and carry 40 marks.


  • Customs and Institutions
  • Oral and Written Literature
  • Essay Writing
  • Comprehension
  • Lexis and Structure
  • Vocabulary


  • Religion
  • Moral Life
  • Social Life

There will be two papers: Paper 1 and Paper 2 both of which must be taken. The papers will be combined and taken at one sitting.

PAPER 1: This will consist of 40 multiple choices (objective) tests, of 45 minutes duration, and candidates will be required to attempt all the questions.

PAPER 2: This will be an essay paper consisting of three Sections A, B, and C. Three questions will be set in each of Sections A and B and two questions in Section C as follows:


This will consist of three essay-type questions on religion and candidates will be required to attempt only one of the questions.


This will consist of three essay-type questions on moral life and candidates will be required to attempt only one of the questions.


This will consist of two essay-type questions on social life and candidates will be required to attempt only one of the questions. The Paper will last 1 hour and carry a total of 60 marks.



  • Diversity of Matter
  • Cycles
  • Systems
  • Energy
  • Interactions of Matter

There will be two papers: Papers 1 and 2, both of which must be taken. The two Papers will be combined and taken at one sotting.

Paper 1: This will be a multiple-choice objective paper made up of 40 questions drawn from the entire syllabus. All the questions must be answered in 45 minutes for 40 marks.

Paper 2: shall be this essay paper made up of two parts, I and II to be answered in 1 hour 15 minutes.

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Part 1: will be one compulsory question consisting of four sub-questions testing practical skills specified in the Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Agriculture aspects of the teaching syllabus. Part I will attract 40 marks.

Part II: will consist of five essay questions. Each question shall be a blend of two or more closely related themes. Candidates will be required to answer any four questions for 60 marks.


  • Sets
  • Numeration System
  • Ratio and Proportion
  • Percentages, Rates and Taxes
  • Exponents (Indices)
  • Collecting and Handling Data (Statistics)
  • Probability
  • Algebraic Expressions
  • Linear Equations in One Variable
  • Angles
  • Constructions, Loci

There will be two papers: Paper 1 and 2, both of which must be taken. The Papers will be combined and taken at one sitting.

Paper 1: This will be a multiple-choice objective paper consisting of 40 questions. The questions will be drawn from the entire syllabus and candidates will be expected to answer them within 1 hour for 40 marks.

Paper 2: will be an essay paper. It will consist of six questions and candidates will be expected to answer any four within 1 hour for 60 marks. Questions in this paper may be drawn from any part of the syllabus.




There will be two papers for each of the Basic Design and Technology options
Paper 1 will contain 30 multiple choice objective questions to be answered in 40 minutes for 30 marks in Home Economics or Pre-Technical Skills, the Core skills syllabus will contribute 15 objective questions whiles the other 15 objective questions will come from either of the two options (Home Economics or Pre-Technical Skills) to make up paper 1.

However, candidates who offer Visual Art will have the following component making up Paper 1:

Core Skills will contribute 15 multiple choice objective questions. Visual Communication will contribute 10 multiple choice objective questions.

Additional five (5) objective questions will come from either of the four (4) optional areas.

Paper 2 will be a 1 hour 15 minutes paper consisting of four (4) questions for candidates to answer three (3) questions for 70 marks.

Pre-Technical Skills and Home Economics Papers will consist of two sections, A and B.

Section A will be one compulsory question on Core Skills for 20 marks.

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Section B will consist of three (3) questions from either Home Economics or Pre-Technical Skills and candidates will be required to answer any two (2) questions for 50 marks.

Visual Art Paper 2 will consist of two sections: A and B.

Section A will be two (2) compulsory questions: one on Core Skills and the other on Visual Communication for 45 marks.

Section B will be subdivided into four (4) parts:

Part I: Weaving and Stitching.
Part II: Modeling, Casting, and Carving.
Part III: Construction and Assemblage.
Part IV: Fabric and Leather Decoration.

Each part will have two (2) questions and candidates will be required to answer one (1) question only from any part of their choice for 25 marks.


  • Parts of a Personal Computer
  • Information Processing Cycle
  • Ethics In Using ICT Tools
  • Word Processing Document
  • Internet and World Wide Web
  • Introduction to Spreadsheet Application

There will be two papers, Paper 1 and Paper 2, both of which must be taken.
Papers 1 and 2 will be combined and taken at one sitting.

Paper 1 will comprise 40 compulsory multiple-choice objective questions and will last 45 minutes for 40 marks.

Paper 2 (essay) will consist of two sections: A and B.

Section A will be a compulsory question for 24 marks and Section B will contain 4 questions out of which candidates will answer any 3 for 12 marks each. The Paper will last 1 hour 15 minutes and will carry a total of 60 marks.

There you have it, The BECE Scheme of Examination (Areas of Study) & the Topics of Syllabus. You can get the full waec syllabus topics and scheme of examination Here and download all the past questions and answers here.



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