English Languages Essay Questions For 2021 Private Candidate

Find Below English Languages Essay Questions For 2021 Private Candidate. These questions are selected from the previous WASSCE Private Exams (NOV-DEC). Solving these questions can help you in your final English NOV-DEC exams.

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Question Tow (1)

Your friend is surprised that after the Senior School Certificate Examination you decided to learn a trade while waiting for admission to the university. Write a letter to/her explaining the advantages of acquiring skills in addit1on to a university degree.

Question Two (2)

Write an article suitable for publication in a national newspaper on why corrupt practices are thriving in your country and what can be done to curb them.

Question Three (3)

The performance of candidates in the English language in public examinations has been very poor. Write a letter to the Minister of Education m your country stating the causes of the poor perfom1ance and suggesting some measures to improve the situation.

Question Four (4)

You have been elected chairman of the local government of your area. Write a speech you would deliver at your inauguration, highlighting, at least three problems you would deal with during your term in office.

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Question Five (5)

Write a story to illustrate the saying: Don’t judge a book by its cover

Question Six (6)

You have been invited to a night party by a friend. Write a letter to the friend, giving at least three reasons why you cannot attend.

Question Seven (7)

Write an article suitable for publication in a national newspaper on the need to promote local industries in your country.

Question Eight (8)

Write a letter to the Director of Health Services in your district discussing at least three ways in which the quality of healthcare in your community can be improved.

Question Nine (9)

You are the main speaker in a debate on the topic: Brain drain has undermined the development of most African countries. Write your argument for or against the motion.

Question Ten (10)

Write a story ending with the statement: If I had known the truth, I would not have acted the way I did.

Question Eleven (11)

Your elder brother who had been working for many years outside the country has written to inform you of his plans to return home and settle finally. Write a letter to him giving, at least, three reasons why he should stay back a little longer.

Question Twelve (12)

Write an article suitable for publication in a national newspaper on how the destruction of public property affects the nation.

Question Thirteen (13)

Write a letter to the Minister of Youth and Sports in your country complaining about t government’s concentration on football to the detriment of other sports. Discuss three reasons why you think the government should now focus on other sports.

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Question Fourteen (14)

As the president of your youth club, write a speech you would deliver on your anniversary on
the topic: My concern for the future of the youth of our country.

Question Fifteen (15)

Write a story to illustrate the saying: No pain, no gain.

Question Sixteen (16)

You have just completed a training course in which you learnt a skill. Write a letter to your friend who did not attend the training course telling him/her the skill you learnt and what you intend to do with it.

Question Seventeen (17)

Write an article suitable for publication in one of the national newspapers on lawlessness among the youth in your country and suggest ways of curbing it.

Question Eighteen (18)

The District Chief Executive has invited views from the public on how to bring about improvement in the community. Write a letter to him, as the president of the local welfare society, expressing at least three views.

Question Nineteen (19)

You are the main speaker in a debate on the topic: Social media platforms have done more harm than good to society. Write your argument for or against the motion.

Question twenty (20)

Write a story which illustrates the saying: Excessive love of money can lead one into danger.

There you have them, 20 English Languages Essay Questions For 2021 Private Candidate. Good luck!

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