Ghana Civil Service Online Exams- Tips for Writing an Analytical Essay

The Office of the Head of the Civil Service (OHCS) wishes to notify all candidates who were successful (had 50% and above) at the first phase of the online Graduate entrance examination for the years 2024/2025, of the second phase as follows:

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  • Date: Friday 2nd August 2024
  • Time: 10:00am to 12noon prompt

Graduate applicants who were successful will receive an SMS notification bearing further details on the examination.

This paper test your Analytical Writing Skills. There are Six (6) Questions in all. Candidates are required to ANSWER ONLY THREE (3) questions.

QUESTIONS ONE (1) AND TWO (2) ARE COMPULSORY, and any other question. Your answer for each question should NOT EXCEED Five Hundred (500) words.

Analytical Skills refer to your ability to gather and evaluate information, solve problems, and make judgments. Employees with these talents can assist a firm in resolving difficulties and increasing overall productivity and success.

The Ghana Civil Service is looking for employees with the ability to investigate a problem and find the ideal solution in a timely, efficient manner. The skills required to solve problems are known as analytical skills.

Analytical abilities are required for the majority of jobs. You utilize them to solve issues that have several variables or do not have clear answers.

Some types of analytical skills include communication, creativity, critical thinking, data analysis, and research.

The Analytical Writing Test consists of two writing topics: Issue and Argument. Sample replies are provided precisely as written, including any misspellings, incorrect word choices, typographical and grammatical issues, etc.

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You will be given a brief quotation stating or implying a general topic of relevance, as well as precise directions on how to reply to that subject.

Prepare and write a response in which you create a stance on the subject in accordance with the particular guidelines. Any other response will earn a score of zero. A typical length for an issue topic is 30 minutes.

Make sure you reply to the particular instruction and fully back your stance on the problem with arguments and examples from your reading, experience, observations, and/or academic studies.

The Ghana Civil Service will read your response and evaluate its overall quality according to how well you do each of the following:

  • Respond to the specific instructions on the issue
  • Consider the complexities of the issue
  • Organize, develop, and express your ideas
  • Support your position with relevant reasons and/or examples
  • Control the elements of standard written English

Before you start writing, you should think about the problem and the directions for a few minutes and then plan your solution.

Make sure to completely develop your argument and structure it clearly, but give time to review what you’ve written and make any required adjustments.

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