How To Update Your School Selection Record Through Email – Sample Letter

The verification and confirmation of BECE 2022 Placement Choices commence on 14th January and end on 22nd January 2023. Students who may have errors in their initial selection should call 0556541525. or click on the edit button on the web portal after their selection details are displayed with a copy of the original selection Form.

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Candidates who have not received their Token through SMS must call the number 0556541525 and lay down their complaints. The students will have to provide their Index number, Full Name, and school completed when CSSPS Agent answers the call.

After providing the above details to the CSSPS Agent, your school Selection choices will be mentioned to you, and then You will confirm to see if that was the right choice made.

If some of the choices mentioned by the CSSPS Agent are wrong, you will be given directions on what to do. Also, the agent will require you to provide a new Phone Number so that the token will be sent to that unique number.

Sample Letter to Email For Correcting a Two & More Wrong School Choice.

Here, you’ll have to go for the CSSPS School Selection Form from your school headteacher, scan it, and email it to the CSSPS help mail. Below is the sample letter you can copy and edit to send for correction.

Dear Sir/Madam,

My Name is ………….. a parent to one of the 2022 BECE candidates. I was waiting to receive the Token so I can check my Wards school selection choice on the CSSPS Portal but could not get the Token.
I called the Helpline and one of your customer Agents was able to call the available school selections for me. But the problem is that most of the schools were not what we chose.
The agent then told me to go for the school selection form from the Headmaster of my Child’s Former school and scan it to send to this mail for correction.  Also, I was told to provide a new number which I can get the Token from.
Please Find Attached the scanned document and the Phone Number.
I would be happy if you could check and fix the selection for my ward.
Thank you.
Name of Student: ……………………………….
Name of JHS Completed: ………………………………..
Index Number: …………………………………
Best regards
Your Name
Phone Number

Send emails with a copy of the original selection form to

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Sample Letter to Correct a single Wrong School Choice 

Once you login to the portal but realize that some options are not what you chose, you can click the edit button above the school choices to edit. Here you’ll be provided with space to write down your concern. In this case, what you need to do is to write your problem.

See below the sample letter to send to correct a single wrong school choice on the Cssps portal. 

How to Update Your CSSPS Record Through Email - Sample Letter


Dear Sir/Madam.

Please the above school code (Enter the Wrong School Code) with name (Write the School Name, which was not supposed to be part of your Choice) and Course code (Couse Code for the wrong school) were not part of my school selection choices.

I chose “Name of The School Omitted” (That School Code) and (Course name and Code), With Boarding/Day as my residency as my 5th Choice. I would be happy if you could help me make these changes. Thanks.

After sending this message to the CSSPS help centre, they will look at the problem and rectify it.

You can then recheck your portal to see if the changes have been reflected.

I hope this help in solving your 2023 School Selection, Verification, and Placement challenges.

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