SHS Placement 2023: See Projected Time For The Release of Placement By GES

The management of the Ghana Education Service announced the scheduled date for the release of the SHS Placement for the 2022 BECE graduates. In an update sighted, it was announced that the CSSPS portal for the placement will go live on 15th February  2023.

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This means students and their parents will be able to access their placement on the said date. But the question that runs through the minds of many students is what date and time will the portal go live in February  2023?

According to management, the of Ghana Education Service (GES) preparations are ongoing for the release of Senior High School Placement for the 2023/24 academic year.

We received many questions regarding the time of the release of the placement portal since the date is due.

Around what time will the cssps be live?

Most of the students want to know the time the portal will go live. So we made some inquiries and based on what we gathered, the following time may be the scheduled time for the Placement portal to go live.

If you may recall, the 2022 BECE results were released between 8:30  – 9:00 PM when most of the students, parents, and the general public didn’t even think the results will be released on that day.

So from the look of things, the CSSPS portal may have been scheduled to be released around that time of the day.

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Even though we can not confirm the exact time the CSSPS portal will go live, we project that the portal will be open for assessment of placement by the student within the hour of 9:30 AM – 12: 00 PM Today if only there have not been any changes the release date by the management of GES.

We shall keep updating you as and when there is a new development.


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  1. Symphonia says

    They should please release the placement and stop keeping us waiting. It’s beginning to get on my nerves 🙄

  2. justice says

    we are still waiting oooo is now 4:30 so it can be out any moment from now if am correct

    1. Staff Member says

      Please have some patience. The Placement will definitely be released. We shall continue to update you as and when there are new developments.

      1. Clifford Nsowaah says

        I think they’ve released it now

  3. Madoski says

    We don’t want to believe again

    1. Staff Member says

      Please have some patience. The Placement will definitely be released. We shall continue to update you as and when there are new developments.

  4. Abdul-Razak says

    Wow I really appreciate your information that is been given to us thanks for your time.

    1. Staff Member says

      You are welcome. We shall continue to update you as and when there are new developments.

  5. Mavis says

    Hmmmmmmm,these WAEC people can’t be trusted oooooh.

  6. Fakyew Francis says

    I’m sure it will be released midnight

    1. Staff Member says

      It has now been released. So go head and check

  7. ESSUA KAMAGE says

    I this all lies

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