University Of Professional Studies ( UPSA )

The University of Professional Studies, Accra (UPSA) is a progressive public institution that provides both academic and professional higher education in Ghana.  With over fifty (50) years of experience, UPSA has achieved the reputation as the oldest Ghanaian human resource development institution in professional Accountancy and Management with many of its products in key leadership positions in Ghana and abroad.

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UPSA remains the only public institution in Ghana with the mandate to offer both academic degrees and provide tuition for business professional qualifications.

A combination of scholarship with professionalism is the foundation of UPSA’s unique profile. With this background, the University has built systems thereby laying the foundation for a distinctive academic and professional profile somewhat different from the requirements of a purely professional or academic institution. UPSA is fully accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programmes (ACBSP) in USA.


To be a world-class education provider in both academic and professional disciplines,   nationally entrenched, regionally recognized and globally relevant.


Knowledge, a basis for development is relevant when shared and used.

Mission Statement

We strive to provide and promote quality higher education and training in management and other related disciplines by leveraging a structured mix of Scholarship with Professionalism in Ghana and beyond.

We believe our first responsibility is to the students, staff, parents, alumni, and all other stakeholders. In meeting their needs, everything we do epitomizes scholarship with professionalism.

Scholarship to the university means the Pursuit and acquisition of Knowledge and Professionalism mean the Application of knowledge for Development in an ethical way. These two are the key driving forces of UPSA’s existence.

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Integrity, Responsibility/respect, and Service are the key values of the UPSA Code of Conduct.


UPSA is determined to act consistently in accordance with its principles and core values.


Respect in the University’s community means respect for one’s self, others, and the University’s values as well as the responsibility one bears towards himself and others.


Service in the UPSA community means recognizing social needs and applying our strengths and knowledge to address those needs


Postal Address: P.O.Box LG 149, Accra – Ghana
Tel numbers:      +233 302 500 171,
+233 302 500 722,
+233 302 500 723
Fax Number: +233 302 501174

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