Top 7 Courses With High Job Opportunities In Ghana 2021

The university offers different courses and programme that each student can apply for. But today, the goal of most students and their guidance is to study courses that can fetch them good jobs after graduating from university.

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Even though there is no “Foolish” course at the university, but some courses offer high job opportunities and better payment than the others. So as you make the decision to study in the university, it’s good to look for that course that can easily get you a job in Ghana or any part of the world with better payment.

If you’re a student or individual looking for a course with high job opportunities and better payment then below are the 7 selected jobs you can study today.

Creative Arts, Design and Communication

In this sector, we have numerous courses of study which include acting, make-up, fashion designing, and many more. Art is one of the best careers nature has given us,.

It comes with a lot of opportunities that do not need you to sit in the office before you can get paid. All you need to do is to complete your course to get your certificate and you are free to work.

When you complete any course under this you do not have to compete with anyone for any job like in the art center or entertainment. Jobs available in this sector are Costume Designing, Make-up, Fashion Design, and many more.

IT Related Courses

In this modern world, information and technology drive the world. In Ghana and even other countries when you have knowledge about IT the chances of you getting a job are very high. As said earlier, some of the jobs in this section do not require you to sit in the office.

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All you need is to get your qualification, computer, and internet connection. Courses like Computer Science, Web Designing, and many others are available.

When you finish up your course you can become a Software Developer, Website Designer, Computer Programmer, and many other opportunities out there. And one of the advantages of being in this field is that you can have multiple jobs making extra cash.

Health-Related Courses

The health sector in Ghana is always in a deficit. This means each day Nurses and Doctors are in demand. If you have a passion for working at the hospital or any of the medical centers in Ghana, then you should consider studying any of the health-related courses at the college or university.

Courses such as  Nursing and Midwifery, Medicine and Surgery, Dispensary, Lab Technician, Bio Chemist, Pharmacist, Physiotherapy e.t.c are some of the courses you can consider. The good thing is that these courses also have good and better payment in Ghana.

Engineering Courses

Another powerful sector in Ghana with a lot of job opportunities in Engineering. We lack engineers in every sector that they are needed. This field is very wide meaning when you study any of the courses under engineering the chances of you getting a job are very high.

This ranges from Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and many more. This should tell you that, the guarantee of you getting a job when you study any of this is 70% and above.

The country is in need of an engineer’s service and it is time to get you onboard if you want to secure a job that will sustain you for a lifetime. You can become an engineer in any of the fields mentioned above depending on the course you study in engineering.

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Business and Finance Related Courses

Business and Finance related courses are one of the courses which when studied will expose you to more job opportunities. People have the misconception that when you study business the chance of you getting a job is very low. This is not true.

In every business, there must be some people to manage it in terms of its finance and marketing. Any company will like to be famous and promote a good sale. Where do they get individuals to undertake this project? This brings us to discuss one of the courses in Ghana with more job opportunities.

Individuals who study Business and its related topics will get access to these job opportunities. Business Marketer, Accountant, and other financial and related careers are from this section.

Human Resources Related Courses

Human resources are the set of people who make up the workforce of an organization, business sector, industry, or economy. A narrower concept is human capital, the knowledge which the individuals embody.

Similar terms include manpower, labor, personnel, associates, or simply people. When you take courses under this the job opportunities under it include Career Advisor, Recruitment Consultant, Office Managers, Human Resources Officers, and many more.

There are more than courses when you study them you will get the job that suits you. Above are the carefully selected ones that are very common and easy to undertake.


The educational sector is also another sector that guarantees job security. Teachers in Ghana are always in demand, most especially in the rural areas. Most people prefer to teach in the Urban and cities. So if you can accept postings in the rural areas and ready to teach as a teacher, then teaching (Education ) will be another job opportunity course you can consider. Even though these days, it’s hard to get postings as a graduate teacher in Ghana, The education sector can still absorb you when you go to college or university to study education.

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Final Words

You will be exposed to any job opportunity of your choice when you study any of the courses discussed. Be prepared to decide your future and let not the society tell you what to do. You know what you are capable of doing.

So you must do whatever it takes to get a well-paid and legitimate job. You can do this by offering any of the courses discussed above.

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  1. Injety Bhaskara Rao says

    H, very happy to know about Ghana country’s job opportunities & facilities available. Very much interested

  2. Abigail says

    Hello,so do you say that those in the science sector lack job opportunities in Ghana?
    Well thanks we’ll move to another country
    Thank you

  3. Obour Roland says

    Am now much empress to choose the course I want do at the university. Thank you very much.i beseige students to do visit this website before making any decision to the university.

  4. Obour Roland says

    Am now much empress to choose the course I want do at the university. Thank you very much.i beseige students to visit this website before making any decision to the university.

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