BECE ICT Past Questions and Answers For 2023 Candidates

BECE ICT Past Questions and Answers For 2023 Candidates: If you are a Candidate preparing to write the 2023 WAEC BECE examination, then you can take advantage of the below ICT questions and answers.

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These questions and answers are compiled from the BECE 2020 Information Communication Technology (ICT) Past Questions.

If you are ready to learn then see below the various ICT questions with their answers.

1 . A computer model that looks like a briefcase is called……..

A. Tower
B. Laptop
C. Desktop
D. Palmtop

2 . The following components are forms of pointing devices except ………….

A. Mouse
B. Cursor
C. Trackball
D. Touch pad

3 . Which of the following devices provides permanent storage of information for future retrieval and use?

A. Modem
B. Light pen
C. Sound card
D. Memory stick

4. The process of putting the computer into a state of readiness for operation is referred to as…………

A. Booting
B. Loading
C. Locating
D. Starting

5. The operating system is a type of ………..

A. System software
B Program software
C. Application software
D Communication software

6. The duplication of an original document is referred to as…………

A Backup
B. Copying
C. Back down
D. Production

7. The following techniques are primary sources of data collection except…………..

A. Surveys
B. Interviews
C. Information
D. Questionnaire

8. Which of the following reasons best describe copyright protection?

A. To copy intellectual properties
B. To hide intellectual properties
C, To keep intellectual properties
D. To protect intellectual properties

9. The combination of letters and numbers as used in computing environment is termed ………..

A. Letters
B. Characters
C. Alpha numbers
D. Alphanumeric

10. A set of cells in the vertical direction in a spreadsheet application is called……………

A. Row
B. Sheets
C. Column
D. Active cell

11. The software that manages the communication between the hardware and the application software is the ………

A. Open office
B. Microsoft office
C. Utility software
D. Operating system

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12. Which of the following data measuring units is not in the computer field?

A. Gigabyte
B. Kilobyte
C. Megabyte
D. Zingabyte

13. The following options are computer output devices except …….

A. Monitor
B. Printer
C. Scanner
D. Projector

14. One megabyte of data is approximately equal to…..

A. 1000 bytes of data
B. 10,000 bytes of data
C. 100,000 bytes of data
D. 1,000,000 bytes of data

15. Which of the following options will lead to warm booting?

A. Log off
B. Turn off
C. Restart
D. Hibernate

16. An operating system has all the following features except……….

A. Icons
B. Scroll bar
C. System tray
D. Wallpaper

17. Which of the following tools gives the user a log of all opened applications?

A. Taskbar
B. Title bar
C. Start menu
D. Start button

18. Which of the following options is not a safety measure?

A. Danger
B. Security
C. Anti-virus
D. Protection

19. The following options are possible health hazards of prolonged use of the computer systems except….

A. Numbness
B. Eye strain
C. Good vision
D. Back pains

20. The practice of copying and distributing information without the permission of the owner is known as…….

A. Spam
B. Piracy
C. Privacy
D. Copyright

21. To edit a word document, the user must first

A. Bold the word
B. Format the word
C. Select the word
D. Underline the word

22. The acronym IPS stands for ……

A. Internet System Provider
B. Internet Service Provider
C. Information System Provider
D. Information Service Provider

23. A tool for locating information on the internet is called …………

A. Website
B. Web browser
C. Search engine
D. Information search

24. In computing, an element which links one document to another or within the same document is referred to as a ………………….

A. Pointer
B. Hyperlink
C. Web page
D. Web browser

25. It is appropriate to use a backup when the original file is ………….

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A. New
B. Lost
C. Fresh
D. Intact

26. A user can arrange icons by

A. Date
B. Type
C. Name

The correct option by which the user can arrange the icons are?

A. I and II only
B. I, II and III only
C. I, II and IV only
D. II, III and IV only

27. A teacher who uses a video to teach students in making use of ICT in ………

A. Education
B. Communication
C. Entertainment
D. Advertisement

28. To centre text in a word processing application use the keyboard keys combination….

A. Ctrl + U
B. Ctrl + L
C. Ctrl +E
D. Ctrl +B

29. The keyboard keys combination that will allow a user to move from the current cursor position in a word document to the beginning of the first line of the first page is ………….

A. Ctrl + end
B. Ctrl + tab
C. Ctrl + home
D. Ctrl + page up

30. The justify command will align the selected text to

A. The left of the margin
B. The right of the margin
C. The centre of the margin
D. Both left and right of the margin

31. The align centre command will place the selected text at the centre of the …….

A. Page
B. Print
C. Window
D. Screen

32. Highlighting a text is similar to……

A. Editing the text
B. Selecting the text
C. Formatting the text
D. Paragraphing the text

33. Which of the following menu options contains the print command in word processing application window?

A. File
B. Edit
C. View
D. Format

34. The keyboard shortcut keys for printing a document is …….

A. Alt + P
B. Ctrl + P
C. Alt + print
D. Ctrl + print

35. The set of rules that enables different types of computers and networks on the internet is the

A. Internet
B. Network
C. Protocol
D. Communication

36. Which of the following computer components is used to display the desktop icons?

A. Mouse
B. Monitor
C. Joystick
D. System unit

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37. Computer devices such as mouse and joystick are referred to as …

A. Output devices
B. Network devices
C. Pointing devices
D. Standard devices

38. The intersection of a row and a column is called.

A. Cell
B. Data
C. Formula
D. Worksheet

39. The spreadsheet cell that a user works in at any given time is called…….

A. Active cell
B. Inactive cell
C. Adjacent cell
D. Working cell

40. Cell address is normally displayed in the ……….

A. Title bar
B. Status bar
C. Name box
D. Formula bar



1. B

2. A

3. D

4. A

5. A

6. B

7. C

8. D

9. D

10. C

11. D

12. D

13. C

14. D

15.  C

16.  A

17.  C

18.  A

19.  C

20.  B





















ICT questions and answers pdf 2023, 2020 bece ICT questions and answers, ICT questions and answers pdf 2018, ict practical questions and answers pdf, bece 2012 ICT questions and answers, bece 2022 ICT questions and answers pdf, 2020 bece ict past questions, waec ict past questions, 2021 BECE ICT Past Questions and Answers For 2022 Candidates.

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  1. Asempa says

    The BECE 2020 ICT questions.
    Number 40.
    The answer should be C(Name box) not D(Formula bar)

    Formula bar displays the content of the active/selected cell

    1. Staff Member says

      You are right. Thanks for alerting us. Keep reading and please don’t forget to share with your friends.

  2. William says

    Number 2 is B cursor not A mouse

    1. Paintsil Gabriel says

      Please if the answer is cursor why is it that number 37 says joystick and mouse are pointing devices

  3. Amoo Stephen says

    That’s nice bcoz we student are not fully prepared but we need to pray for God protection over the education board.

  4. Jessica says

    Hi sir

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