How to Reply a Query Letter for Being Absent From Work Without Permission

How to Reply to a Query Letter for Being Absent From Work Without Permission? Have you been queried because you’ve absented yourself from work without seeking permission from your supervisor or superior?

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Do you find it difficult in replying to the query? If yes, then you are in the right place in this short discussion, we are going to give you a guideline on how to answer this kind of query. We shall also give you a sample of the query to serve as a reference to you when addressing your query to your superior.

There is no straightforward way of replying to a query letter in an organization. All you need to do is to first understand the content of the query letter given to you and then address it as it is.

You must also know that every query comes as a formal letter. It is formal because you are writing to someone in a position. You will need your personal address as well as your supervisor/organizational address.

You can Read more Guideline On How To Respond To Query Letter at Work.

Sample Reply to a Query Letter for Being Absent From Work Without Permission.

In answering this query, there are some things you should know.

  • Understand the content of the query letter
  • Go straight to the point and don’t prolong things
  • You can refer to the query date
  • Finally, assure whoever you’re responding to that you’ll not repeat whatsoever landed you to the query again.
READ ALSO  How to Reply a Query letter for Fighting in an Organization

Sample Response for a Query Letter for Being Absent From Work Without Permission.

The Manager
Amajura Company LTD
Legos State,

Dear Sir/Madam,


In response to your query letter dated 7th July 2021, on the above subject, I will like to state that, my action on the said date was condemnable and does not speak good of me.

Sir, I had an emergency call from my father regarding his unexpected injury from the village which demands my presence. I  drafted a letter to be given to you but due to me being in hurry to get to my father on time, I forgot to present the letter to your outfit.

I know my action on the said date is unacceptable and discouraged, but please I will like to ask for forgiveness and promise never to repeat that again.

Attached is my drafted letter for permission intended to be submitted.

Thank You.

Yours faithfully,
Your Signature
Your name.

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  1. Emmanuel says

    It educative & inspiring,well written and compose.I love it

    1. Hawanatu Bundu says


  2. Ifeyori says

    Thanks for enriching my knowledge ❤️

  3. AMIDU A KARGBO says

    Nice 😊

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