New Update! NABCO January & February Stipends Validation Done, Expect Payment Soon

We are in the last days of the month of February 2020 and still, trainees have not received their January 2020 stipends. This has got almost all the trainees worried because they have bills and other expenses to settle.

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Some trainees are also yet to receive October, November and December 2019 stipends. But all the same, trainees are urged to stay calm while things are being put in place to clear all arrears using the New Payment Validation system.

Earlier last week, we’ve received information that The NABCO headquarters together with the Regional and District coordinators were busy with the validation of Arrears from January 2019 to December 2019 together with January and February 2020 stipends.

Now, another information we’ve received confirmed that validation for January 2020 stipend is done and all data have been forwarded to the HQ for Payment to be effected.

Meanwhile, Trainees who have not yet received their October to December 2019 stipends are rest assured that they will be paid together with their January and February stipends if and only if they are eligible for payment.

According to our source, The payment of January 2020 and February 2020 allowance will be done within the coming new week or maybe January stipend will be paid before the end of this month and then February own will follow the coming week ( Early March).

Even though we have not received confirmed information as to the exact date of payment, our source tells us that, the stipend for January may be paid before the end of February 2020.

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  1. Bernard Assabil Mensah says

    Please I have not received January Allowance…. meanwhile some trainees have received theirs

  2. Agomau Paul says

    They have paid February leaving January stipends ooo

  3. Agomanu Paul says

    nabco have paid February leaving January stipend ooo

  4. Dorcas Adadzewa Donkoh says

    my January 2020 stipend not paid and have not revive alert for February 2020 too,though it has being paid.

  5. Francisca Obeng says

    Please I have not being paid January 2020 and not received for February too, it has not being paid

    1. Staff Member says

      Please exercise some patience, they are working on them. You’ll soon be paid.

  6. Joseph says

    I have not receive November/December allowance for 2019 but rather received January/ February. Do l still have hope for the arrears?

    1. Staff Member says

      Yes. Check your payment history on the portal for the Remarks.

  7. Osman salifu says

    Pls my arrears starts from December, January and February

    1. Staff Member says

      Check your payment history on the portal for the Remarks.

      1. Matthew Dapaa Banewer says

        I have not been paid since October 2019 up to March 2020.

  8. Akatse Isaac says

    I’ve not received my January and February stipends too.

  9. ADAMS TIJANI says

    please i have seen my portal and they said processing payments and i dont understand. please explained to me.

  10. DAWUDA Robill Awal says

    Thank you for your kind support and clarification and also from October till date. Only February I had.

    1. Staff Member says

      They are still working on the other month’s arrears so please give them time. All shall be sorted as and when it’s ready.

  11. Panyan nuhu Ajara says

    Please I have been recuitted since December 2019 that is about four months ago and still not being paid. Anytime I load my founs the reply is no founs to be loaded .please help me out. Thanks.

    1. Staff Member says

      Please check your portal to see the remarks before I can tell you what to do. Thanks

  12. Isaac kwesi yeboah says

    Pls have not received my February allowe pls kindly do sometine for me because my landlord is his /her money pls

  13. Theodore-Mensah Edwin says

    According to my portal, i have not been validated for payment. Meanwhile, I have uploaded and submitted my signed time sheet for February.
    Please !!!!!

    1. Iddrisu Sadik says

      Please report to your district coordinator for an action to be taken.

  14. Bella says

    Please when are we going to receive our January and February allowance. We’re already in the 4th month. Plus the organization I was posted to is different from where am working now. Can it be changed for me on my portal?

  15. Elizabeth Opoku says

    Please I hv not received my January allowance but rather received February and March, any time I checked my portal it’s processing for payment Please do something for me

  16. Fusheinishani says

    But some of us did not evenly get January, February, and march stipends pls why

  17. Esther osei Amoateng says

    Your Comment pls I ve not be pay for February but I received my March. when I checked my payment history it said validation not approved for payment.pls help me out cos it not easy pls.

  18. Linda darko says

    We the newly recruited have not been paid since December 2019, my payment history is processing payment for three months now, please do something for us.

  19. Abigail A. A. Adjei says

    Please I have not received my January, February and March stipends yet. It shows on my portal that I have not been paid but no remarks.

    1. Staff Member says

      Meaning you are still on processing and you shall be paid when the second batch of payment is to be effected. Thanks

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