Regulations For The Ghana Teacher Licensure Examination (Gtle) 2021/2022

The Ghana Teacher Licensure Examination (Gtle) 2021/2022 is scheduled to take place on the 23rd and 24th days of September 2021. Following the release of the new date for the examination, all candidates are advised to take a look at the rules and regulations governing the exams. These regulations will help and guide you for a successful examination.

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This booklet contains the Regulations to guide candidates who will sit for the Ghana Teacher Licensure Examination.

The GTLE will be administered to candidates who have completed and successfully passed the final year examinations either in the Colleges of Education or the Teacher Training Universities.

Candidates are expected to acquaint themselves thoroughly with the Regulations in order to go by them.

The GTLE is made up of three (3) papers which are as follows:

  1. Essential Professional Skills – 60 multiple choice questions
  2. Literacy – 30 multiple choice questions, comprehension, and essay
  3. Numeracy – 30 multiple choice questions and two written questions

Each paper is marked out of 100

  • The GTLE is open to all candidates who have passed their final year examinations at the Colleges of Education or at the Teacher Training Universities.
  1. Candidates who are desirous of seeking employment as teachers with the Ghana Education Service are expected to apply online for the Licensure Examination.
  2. It is the responsibility of candidates who are applying and registering for the GTLE to check the correctness of entries made as required. The NTC shall not take responsibility for any error, oversight, or default made by candidates.

The NTC reserves the right to refuse entries that do not satisfy the regulations for the examination.

  1. The NTC reserves the right to cancel any entry at any stage before the examination if it is found to be irregular.
  2. The NTC does not undertake to refund registration fees.
  • The GTLE will be held twice a year, February and September. The actual dates for each year’s examinations will be announced by NTC at appropriate times. The timetable for the examination papers will be made available along with the schedules.
  • Candidates must provide their own mathematical sets.
  • Candidates are required to write their answers with pen and blue ink, but pencils may be used only for diagrams and for shading (if any).
  • Electronic calculators of the silent, cordless, and non-programmable type only shall be allowed in the examination.
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  1. Candidates must obey all instructions given by the supervisors and invigilators. In particular, they must enter and leave the hall when told to do so.
  2. Candidates must not give or receive any assistance in answering the examination questions.
  3. Candidates must not talk to other candidates inside the examination hall.
  4. Candidates must not tear part of the question papers and answer sheets.
  5. Candidates must stop work when they are told to do so and must always hand over their script or answer booklets to the invigilators at the end of the examination.
  6. Candidates must not remove any question/answer booklet from the examination hall. Examination papers remain the property of the NTC.
  7. Candidates should not bring any book, paper, bag, or other property into the examination hall.
  8. The NTC does not accept responsibility for such books, bags, or other property left by the candidates at the precincts of the examination hall.
  9. Candidates may not be allowed into the examination hall after thirty (30) minutes of the commencement of the examination.
  10. Candidates should not leave the examination hall within thirty (30) minutes of the commencement of the examination.


No Offence  Penalty



Leakage of Examination questions. This involves any knowledge or possession of examination questions before the examinations.


Dismissal of offender(s) involved





Possession of unauthorized material(s) related to the examination and likely to be used during examination. E.g. blank piece(s) of paper, notes, textbooks, prepared materials or any other printed material(s) programmable calculators, mobile phones, iPod and mp3.


Cancellation of the candidate’s particular paper(s) to be rewritten when the paper is being taken the following year.




Copying from prepared notes or from a colleague’s script during examination; stealing; converting or misappropriating the scripts of other candidates; substituting worked scripts during or after the examination; exchanging question papers.


Cancellation of the candidate’s paper and to rewrite the following year when the paper Is being taken.




Persistently looking over other candidate’s shoulders (stretching neck or ‘giraffing’) in order to cheat


For the 1st offence, the report should be documented and filed and candidate made to sign a bond.


Any 2nd offence in relation to examinations will attract cancellation of paper to be rewritten the following year that the paper is written.




Impersonation – Impersonating another candidate or allowing one’s self to be impersonated.


Dismissal and or prosecution of candidates involved.




Assisting or attempting to assist, obtaining or attempting to obtain assistance from a candidate or non-candidate


Cancellation of the candidate’s paper and to rewrite the following year when the paper is being taken.




Consulting or trying to consult during the examination any book, notes or other unauthorized materials or any other electronic device. E.g. programmable calculators, mobile phones, iPod and mp3


Cancellation of the candidate’s paper and to rewrite the following year when the paper is being taken.




Persistently disturbing other candidate(s) or distracting their attention


Stopping candidate(s) from continuing the examination.




a)     Verbal assault/threat on Supervisors/ Invigilators inside or outside examination hall.


b)     Physical assault on supervisors/invigilators/examiners or any authorized person inside or outside examination hall.



Cancellation of the candidate’s paper and rustication for 1 year

Dismissal and prosecution of the candidate(s)




Bringing into the examination hall or using anything including chemical substance with intent to cause temporary or permanent injury to any authorized persons and other candidates in the examination hall.


Dismissal and prosecution of the candidate(s)




Destroying materials suspected as evidence against offender, e.g. blank piece(s) of paper, notes, textbooks, prepared materials or any other printed material(s), programmable calculators, mobile phones, iPod and mp3


Cancellation of the candidate’s paper and rustication for 2 years.




Destroying any examination material inside or outside examination hall, e.g. tearing of leaflets from answer booklets; tearing question papers.


Cancellation of the candidate’s paper and to rewrite the following year when the paper is being taken.




Writing after the examination has ended after persistent reminder.


Caution for the 1st Offence.

For the 2nd Offence, paper is to be cancelled and candidate to rewrite the following year when the paper is being taken.




Frequently seeking permission to attend nature’s call with intent to cheat and cheating.


Caution for the first time.

For the 2nd offence, stop candidate from continuing the examination and apply the necessary sanction for cheating in examination.




Failure to write Index Numbers on question paper after persistent reminder.


Caution for the first time. After the first caution, if the Index Number is still not written, it should be interpreted as intention to cheat.

Candidate should be stopped from writing the paper.




Fabrication of data – claiming to have carried out experiments, observations, interviews or any sort of research which have not in fact been carried out or claiming to have obtained result which have not in fact been obtained.


Cancellation of candidate’s project work. Candidate to undertake another field work under supervision.




Plagiarism – reproducing other people’s work without acknowledging the source; copying another person’s work and pretending it is one’s own or substantial use of other person’s work and the submission of it as though it was one’s own.


Cancellation of candidate’s Project work. Candidate to rewrite essay on a different topic.




Attempting or trying to influence examiners to alter or change marks, e.g. writing statements in answer booklets in the form of pleas; writing letters to examiners, supervisors and invigilators.


Cancellation of the candidate’s paper and to rewrite the following year when the paper is being taken.


 Declaration by Candidates

Every candidate registering for the GTLE must complete the Candidates Declaration Form.


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