2020 SHS Placement for BECE Candidates, See Release Date, How to Check & Why the Delay

Ever since the 2020 BECE results were released, the question that goes through the mind of all the successful candidates for the 2020 Basic examination was when will the placement be released?.

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Candidates, who sat for the 2020 Basic School exams and have successfully gain all the required grades, were eager to see the school they are been placed in. These candidates are always asking some questions which demanded answers concerning the SHS placement but to their surprise, there wasn’t any good answer for them.

If you’re are BECE candidates, Looking for answers to these questions, then in this article, we shall be discussing some of the questions asked by BECE 2020 Candidates with regards to the SHS placement. See below some of the FQAs for Placement 2020 BECE Candidates.

Is the school placement 2020 out?

No, the 2020 SHS school placement is not yet out. But according to GES, preparations are still ongoing to get the results out soon. See the official released from GES here.

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How to Buy 2020 School placement checker online

The Placement E-voucher or Checker can be bought from any of the Designated vendors or through mobile money. A candidate who wishes to buy the 2020 BECE Voucher can do so by reading the full guide in this article.

How do I check my school placement 2020?

Once the Placement for the 2020 BECE is out, candidates can check their school placement through the CSSPS portal. See the full guide on how to check your placement here.

How school placement is done?

The school placement is done through the CSSPS portal. In that case, GES looks at the schools chosen by the candidate compare to their aggregate results. If a Candidate has a good grade that falls within a particular school chosen, he or she will then be placed in that school. See the full guide on how school placement is done.

What is the grading system for BECE 2020?

The BECE grading system is a system that is used to grade students by WAEC. the grades are range from highest to lowest. A candidate with A+ is scored as highest while those with F9 are scored as lowest. You can see the full guide on the WAEC BECE grading system from here.

How can I do self-placement?

Self-placement is the manual process that allows candidates who do not get any of their choices an opportunity to select among the available schools with vacancies. Before you can do self-placement, you need to have an e-voucher from any of the approved vendors. See the full guide on how to do a self-placement here.

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How do I get an SHS placement checker?

You can get the placement checker through the allocated vendors or using the shortcode *447*160#. Read more on how to Get the SHS Placement Checker here.

Shortcode to check BECE School Placement

There are different shortcodes for checking the BECE school Placement using your phone or PC. We have discussed in detail how to Check your BECE 2020 Placement using a phone or PC. Visit the article to read more on this topic.

How to check BECE placement on Phone and PC?

To check your placement using a phone, you first need to be connected to the internet, then visit the CSSPS portal after buying the Placement E-voucher/Checker. Enter your index number followed by the voucher code. Then click on the submit button to finish. See the complete guide here.

What is Cssps Ghana and How does the Cssps work?

The CSSPS placement collects data of all Ghana students who took part in the BECE Exam and aggregates them into a ranked list. The system uses the candidate’s aggregate score from 6 subjects for the selection process. Thus, English Language, Mathematics Social Studies, Integrated Science, and the best two elective subjects.

How many times can I Use the Placement Checker?

Once you buy the e-voucher, the card can be used an unlimited number of times by a single student and is only available for purchase once the CSSPS portal is activated.

Why 2020 SHS, BECE Placement is Delaying?

As of now, no one can tell why the delay in the 2020 SHS BECE Placement. But what we do know is that GES in their official statements released made mention that, preparations are ongoing for the release of senior high school placement for the 2020/2021 academics year.. That, they remain committed to ensuring a smooth, merit-based SHSplacement process under established guidelines

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When will the Placement for the 2020 BECE Candidate be out?

Earlier this week, most people anticipated that the BECE 2020 Placement will be out on 3rd February 2021. This has not been materialized due to reasons only known to GES and the relevant stakeholders. After such pronouncements by most blogs and news portals, GES came out with an official statement telling the general public about the status of the placement and what to do if they want to confirm whether the Placement has been released or not. But what they failed to tell the candidates, parents, and guardians is when the placement will be out. So for now, the question still remains, when will the placement for the 2020 candidate be out? Stay tuned for this answer. We shall get you the released date as and when there are new developments.

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