JUST IN: NABCO January and February Arrears has been Paid, Do this, if you haven’t gotten yours

The second batch of payment for NABCO January and February stipends has dully been paid by NABCO.

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If you are a qualified trainee with January and February arrears, you are hereby informed that your arrears have been duly paid and you should by now received your payment message from NABCO.

But in case you’ve not had your payment message, you can go to the bank and check your e-zwich for confirmation.

This is because, sometimes, payment may be effected but due to system glitch, not all trainees will be sent a payment SMS.

So if you are in this case category and had earlier checked your portal payment history which indicated that, payment processing, then you can go to your various banks and load your money.

Meanwhile, trainees who have not yet had theirs after going to the bank to check can stay calm and wait, as the payment is still being made and at the appropriate time, each qualified trainee will be sorted.

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  1. osei says

    I teach at a primary school and did not get my line manager to sign my timesheet what do l do

    1. Staff Member says

      Timesheet for which month? If march then just write his name at the supervisor name and contact section and then upload. You can also consult your coordinator for more details.

      1. Sandra opoku says

        Pls my October, November, December, up to March l have not received any thing pls how do you expect me to survive from this puhisment.

  2. Mohammed says

    A good number of us have a long outstanding arrears and only to receive February stipend why

    1. Staff Member says

      Are you a newly recruited trainee? If yes, then just cheers and wait for them to process your remaining arrears. Cheers

  3. Gladys Owusua Akomea says

    Pls I my arrears for November and December have not been paid.
    On my portal it indicates that I was not validated by my Coordinator.
    Meanwhile I submitted my time sheets to my Coordinator without delay and he endorsed it but failed to validate.
    When I asked him why my stipend was delayed, he told me that the arrears will be paid and I will get mine.
    As at now I haven’t received it.
    Pls what can I do to receive those arrears. Thank you.

    1. Staff Member says

      Yes, your name may come to the arrears list. Once it comes hs will work on it and then you get your money. All you need is to keep on reminding him. I hope you had the remaining months? CHeers.


    On my portal January remarks was payment validation not approved but February was processing payment but I have not received any message on payment.

    1. Staff Member says

      This means they are still working on your payment. So please be patient they will soon pay you. Thanks

    2. Tomi Comfort says

      Please,I checked on my portal and this is what is written there
      Selection date does not exceed the expected number of working days.
      That’s for January and February
      I don’t understand please help me

      1. Iddrisu Sadik says

        It means, you were selected recently and that you can not get paid for the months prior to your selection. For example, if you’re selected in February, you can not get stipends for December, January, and February. your payment will begin in March.

  5. Mary hagan says

    Good morning, please my January and February stipends haven’t been paid and when I checked on my portal the history payment is empty. Please does it shows that am out of the system or not.
    Thank you

  6. Dorcas Donkoh says

    my January stipend was not paid.When l checked my payment history it was marked red,but now when l check it again it is mark yello.What does it mean?

    1. Staff Member says

      It means they are still processing you payment

  7. Prince Marghighly says

    On my portal January and February indicate time sheet not submitted but I did submit while March indicate processing payment , August and December 2019 indicate not at post what should I do to receive my arrears please?

    1. Iddrisu Sadik says

      Report to your district coordinator for further action to be taken.

  8. Leticia Yanney says

    I have not received any stipend from March 2019 to date, I reported to my district coordinator countlessly and to the headquarters twice and still no positive response, please help me! I am a single parent and my landlord is on me for rent which was due last year November, please help me

  9. Linda opoku Darko says

    Please when are you going to pay the newly recruited trainees, because on my portal is still payment processing as at January up to date.

  10. Adams says

    From January to March stipends is empty when is processing payment

  11. ADAMS TIJANI says

    Hello please since january till i have not received any stipends and when i check on my portal and its is processing payments. And when are they paying those with arrears because we are suffering and they should update us

  12. Edwina says

    Please my February stipend is not in since the beginning of this year and when I checked my portal is not validated by district yet I submitted my timesheet

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