NABCO: November Stipends Dully Paid, See what to do if You’ve not yet had Message

In our last update, we made mention that, November 2020 Stipend Validation was ongoing and trainees should expect their stipends this week.

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In that update, we also mention some of the things that each trainee should do if he or she wants to always get paid alongside the mass.

Now, the information received shows that, the November 2020 stipends have been dully paid and that trainees can go to the Bank, download, and withdraw their monies.

Trainees who have not yet had a payment alert from NABCO can also go to the bank, download, and cash out their monies if and only if they qualified to be paid for November stipends.

It is worth mentioning that, there are instances where payments are made but because of the difference in the paying institution and the SMS alert center, some trainees would not receive the alert.

When that happens, trainees are advised to go to the bank and check their card for the payment.

Meanwhile, trainees, who are yet to apply for the NABCO career pathways transition process can do so before the close of today Friday 4/12/2020.

Stay tuned for more updates about NABCO and its related topics. You can join our telegram page or subscribe to the push notification for timely updates from our blog.


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  1. Denteh Godwin says

    It will end in praise.#🖕on parliamentary.
    ✊ more to do more 4 Ghanaians and NABCO

  2. Denteh Godwin says

    #🖕on presidential, 4more4nana

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