NABCO Trainee’s Log Book: How to Use and Why you should Use it

The NABCO trainee’s logbook is a book given to all Nabco trainees to document their participation in the training programmes initiated by NABCO and its module implementation partners(MIPS).

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The Logbook is to be filled out each column completely by a trainee, have a line manager, RTC/Regional /monitor, and District coordinator signed and stamp at the end of each section and keep in their records.

It is the trainee’s responsibility to obtain and keep accurate records and the necessary documentation for NABCO. As part of the Monitoring exercise, each trainee’s logbook is to be expected by the RMTs.

If you are looking for how to fill the logbook, then below is a guide on that.

Follow the explanation below and complete your logbook pages before the monitoring teams visit your workplace.

Starting with the Log Book is the trainee’s personal details which include:

  • Name
  • NABCO reference number
  • Module
  • District
  • Physical Address
  • Digital address
  • E-mail
  • Phone number

Trainees are expected to complete the above personal details about themselves before they begin to document their training reports.

Each page on the logbook contains:

Date: This is where you put in the date for the training. Thus the date the training took place. For example, the first NABCO Academy Training (Swayam) came in October 2019. Even though the days vary by district. Some districts had theirs on 20/10/2019 whiles others had the training earlier than that. So you have to remember the date and fill in there.

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Training title: This field is provided to trainees to kay in the Training title for that session. For example, If you are attending a workshop for Say “NABCO ACADEMY”, you’re going to write “NABCO Skills and Talent Training” as your title for the training.

Objective of training: The Objective of the training is always specified by the resource person before the start of the training. So going back to our first Training (NABCO Academy) The objective of the training will be ” To introduce the NSTA Platform to trainees, take trainees through the page navigation on the platform and guide trainees on how to register on the swayam learning platform”

Training outcome: The training outcome has to do with your achievement after the training. Was it a success or a failure? Have you achieved your aim in attending the training? what do you like/not like about the training and how can that benefit you as a NABCO trainee.

What have you learned: What you’ve learned from the resource persons and other relevant stakeholders at the training.  You need to tell NABCO all that you’ve learned from each training attended so far.  This helps NABCO and your MIPS to determine your level of commitment during the training.

Line Manager signature: Here, your line manager has to go through your logbook documentation for each training attended and then signed if satisfied with the report. Your line manager’s signature is very important. You need to get them to sign the logbook report before your district coordinators and RTC/Monitor can also sign.

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RTC/Regional Monitor signature: After getting your logbook signed by the Line manager, the next person to sign is your district RTC. They are your immediate supervisor so you have to look for them to also signed before the final Coordinator can also sign his part.

District Coordinator’s signature: Your District coordinator’s signature is the last part of the trainee’s logbook. This means his the overall boss representing the regional boss at the district level. Without his signature, the logbook report will be invalid.

NOTE: Sections are also provided for trainees to jot in some key points during the training session.

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