NABCO: What to Do if you’ve Refunded Overpaid Amount But Still See the Red Alert on Your Portal

Some months back, there have been some technical error in the NABCO payment system which resulted in some trainees being overpaid by NABCO.

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These trainees were later sent an alert both in SMS and on their portal instructing them to visit their various district coordinators and refund the overpaid amount.

Some trainees abide by the instruction and went ahead to pay the said amount to their coordinators while a chunk of them refused to do so.

Now, trainees who have refunded their overpaid amount are in a dilemma, as to whether their refunds were received at the headquarters or not. If yes, they are still wondering why they continue to see the Red Alert on their portal anytime they login.

What even made these trainees still be in a state of confusion is the fact that March 2020 to  November 2020 stipends were paid but they’ve not received payment alert, and when they check their NABCO portal for the payment remarks, they either see “Under investigation”“Under Disciplinary Action” or Payment Processing as their remarks.

As a matter of fact, anyone in this situation will be worried and have some iota of regret for paying back the overpaid amount because nothing was said to them ever since they paid back the money.

Because they don’t have any information from NABCO concerning their payment issue, they resort to seeking help from other colleagues.

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For some time now, whenever we surf through most of the NABCO groups, pages, and platforms, we see all these issues popping up from these trainees.

We have taken it to ourselves to find out some clarification from some stakeholders in NABCO and the following findings were gathered.

Why The Red Alert?

That the Red alert is just an alert to show that you’ve been overpaid. From the findings, it was shown that, even though you’ve refunded the full amount, the message will continue to be on your portal until NABCO pays you for March 2020, to November 2020 stipends. Afterwards, the RED Alert will be removed from the portal. So if you’ve actually refunded the overpaid amount to your coordinator, then you have nothing to worry about the Red Alert on your portal.

Why “Under investigation” under remarks on my portal?

When the mistake was made and these trainees were overpaid, the headquarters put all the affected trainees under investigation so they can easily identify and rectify the problem.

They did so in other not to go-ahead to repay these trainees March stipends during the regular payment of trainees stipends for the month of march 2020. So automatically, all affected trainees will see under investigation on their march 2020 payment remarks.

If you’ve refunded your overpayment and still sees that remark, then you should know that is not anything to worry about since headquarters are aware of that and it will vanish once they pay you for march and April arrears.

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Why  “Underdisciplinary Action” under remarks on my portal?

If only you’ve paid in full, all the overpaid amount to your District coordinator within the stipulated time, then ”under investigation” should only be seen under march payment remarks. April 2020 to November 2020’s remark should either be ”Underdisciplinary action” or “processing payment.”

Trainees are put “Underdisciplaary Action” only when they totally refused to refund the overpaid amount or they refunded half remaining some outstanding to settle. In that case, trainees will not be processed for payment until they refund all the amount owned to NABCO.

If you’ve paid in full all the overpaid amount, then you should see ”processing payment” as a remark on your portal for “May 2020 to November 2020” payment, other than that, visit your District coordinator to whom you refunded the mount and report it to him for rectification.


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  1. Nsor martin says

    Please have we done anything wrong for refunding the overpaid allowance.
    We have not been paiding since we refunded the amount.
    Yɛ brɛ

  2. Nsor martin says

    We have not been paid since we refunded the overpaid allowance
    Please when are going to be paid

    1. Staff Member says

      Please check your portal to see the remarks for those three months. If you’ve successfully refunded the amount, then you should see processing payment for both April and May. Meaning your refund has been received and very soon you’ll be paid for those months. As for March is a general remark for all and once you are paid, that remark will vanish. Read this for more information.

  3. Abubakari Doris says

    please the remark on my portal is processing payment for April May June but up to now i have not received stipend

  4. Denteh Godwin says

    Please, I refunded my overpaid allowances but march, April, May, June stipends has not been received. What to eat to go to school to teach self is now a problem. The overpaid trainess need ur help . Thank and looking forward to hearing from you.

  5. Priscilla says

    How wrong hv we gone for refunding a money that doesn’t belong to us n was nice heartly thought of our colleagues to get paid of it too.but till now our mercy HV turn into tease n night mare day in n out, especially when we wore our dress to work our colleagues laugh at us as work of useless

    1. Staff Member says

      Sorry to hear this. Please we can assure you that, once you’ve refunded the monies, you’ll definitely be paid. So let’s have some patience. We know it’s not easy, but please give NABCO sometimes. You will get all the arrears in due time. Thank you. We shall keep you posted.

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