NABCO: Why The Delay in Payment of December 2020 Stipends

In our earlier report, we categorically stated that the NABCO stipends for December 2020 will be paid before 24th December 2020. This was made because of the earlier information gathered from some stakeholders of the NABCO Programme.

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After such a report, most trainees kept their hope and waited patiently for the 24th to go and cashout their monies for the Christmas celebration, but to their disappointment, stipends were not paid. Now we are in the first week of January 2021, and still NABCO December 2020 stipends were not paid. A situation which brings some doubt in the minds of most trainees.

Some trainees are even of the view that the NABCO programme is sinking while others claimed because the NPP government has gathered their Votes, they have decided to go back to their old way of paying NABCO trainees.

Following the above statements by trainees, and also in other to help clarify things for these trainees, we’ve decided to gather some information that we think maybe the main cause of the delay in the payment of NABCO December 2020 stipends.


As you are all aware, the NABCO programme is not backed by any legislative instrument. This means the monies for the payment of trainees are not budgeted for. So the presidency and the finance ministry will have to source funds and allocate them to the CEO and the NABCO payment department before trainees can be paid.

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If in a particular month, the monies are not released early to the NABCO paying department, then there will be a delay in the payment of the trainee’s stipends for that month.

This explained why most institutions including NSS trainees are paid earlier before NABCO. In the case of NSS, their payment of allowance is allocated and budgeted for. So if they are paid before NABCO, that’s shouldn’t be a problem because the NSS program is backed by some legislative instrument.

Most trainees also are of the view that the NABCO’s CEO is the one delaying their payment of stipends. But our findings show that the CEO is just the head of the NABCO prgrammme. There are people who are being assigned to take care of the payment, and that, if monies are released from the Ministry they affect the payment even though they still take orders from him.

From the above findings, we can say below are some of the reasons why there is still a delay in the payment of December stipends.

The December 2020 election took place on December 7th which corresponded with the period during which the presidency and the ministry will be sourcing funds for the payment of trainees.

Maybe, because the presidency, Ministry, and the relevant NABCO stakeholders were busy finalizing their campaign plans and preparing for the election, funds were not sourced out early and hence the delay in the payment of the Stipends.

As you are also aware, the NABCO programme contract is coming to an end and trainees are being prepared for the permanent jobs, maybe, there are some proceedings and paper works that the NABCO secretariat is doing which are preventing them from paying trainees their December 2020 stipends.

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When to expect Payment of December 2020 Stipends?

When you take a look at the NABCO’s payment history, mostly, NABCO pays their trainees stipends in the early weeks of the preceding months. This means the trainee’s stipends for December 2020 may be scheduled to be paid in January 2021.

If that’s the case, then maybe NABCO is preparing to pay trainees their December 2020 Stipends in the first to the second week of January 2021. If this turns to be true, then trainees should expect their monies from 20th January 2021 to 29th January 2021.

Disclaimer! This article is not an official article from the NABCO, The article is written based on the author’s opinions, personal assumptions, and the information gathered on grounds from some Nabco stakeholders.

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1 Comment
  1. Gyapong Kwabena says

    Pls ,My president and CEO of Nabco,we the Nabco personal are willingly waiting for our permanent posting especially those at the Education sector. The government and GES are doing University graduate posting while University graduate under Nabco have not been considered at all so please My president,we voted for you to get your another four years,we are suffering paaaaaooooo. Some of us are doing top up programmes at the Universities in the country so pls help us to get our permanent posting

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