3 Questions to Refocus Your minds on as a NABCO Trainee and Vote For NPP – DR. Anyars

In October 2018, about 100,000 qualified graduates were selected and placed in various institutions to work under the NABCO flagship programme. During their stay at the post, each graduate is paid a monthly stipend of GHS 700 to help cater for themselves.

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Within these two and half years of NABCO establishment, most graduates were able to do something meaningful with their monies and better their lives as compared to when they were jobless.

As we are approaching the 7th December polls, the majority of trainees have warmly shown their readiness to support the current NPP government to retained power, in other to safeguard their jobs. Whiles others have pledged alliance to the other parties even though they are also currently enjoying the NABCO initiatives introduced by the NPP government.

This issue of who to support and whom not to support is currently causing some fuss among the trainees which ‘might’ have caught the C.E.O’s attention.

Recently, a social media update from the C.E.O’s Facebook handle was sighted which seems to be ‘food for thought’ statement by the NABCO C.E.O to all NABCO trainees.

In that update, Dr. Anyars listed three questions that each trainee should refocus his or her mind before deciding whom to vote for, in the upcoming 2020 election.

See the official statement from the NABCO C.E.O page below:


Fellow Citizens, as we approach the third year on the NABCO scheme in 2021, a future of HOPE beckons.

A secure three years has empowered over 100,000 trainees with the requisite Work Readiness to transition easily into permanent JOBS. With an expanding economy, a potential exists for all our graduates to get into meaningful and sustainable careers.

The scheme was envisioned to develop our local intellectual infrastructure to fit into a future transformed Ghana. As an enrichment programme, the over 100,000 trainees are continually exposed to experiences that enhance their employability profile within any industry.

At present, our contribution to nation-building is undoubtedly beyond any measure: in education, health, agriculture, digitisation, revenue mobilisation, governance and to the development of enterprise. A certain vision must have recognised that our graduates deserved better than wasting away the zeal to contribute to our national development.

Truly, President Akufo-Addo has proven to be a Trusted and Visionary Leader, dedicated to the Service of Fellow Ghanaians. He envisioned NABCO and will see it through to its logical destination: meaningful and Sustainable Permanent Jobs.

Three questions to refocus our minds:

  1. What alternative has been proposed to the NABCO scheme?
  2. Is there any logical equivalence in idle and joblessness to a fulfilling and enriching skills development role?
  3. Whatever its challenges, with how many words can you criticise 100,000 opportunities?

If you are thinking Okada, then Allah be your help.

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1 Comment
  1. Martin says

    is very true but nabco should pay trainee’s who they own all their stipends.#4 more4 Nana to do more.

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