NABCO: “TIMESHEET NOT SUBMITTED” Reason For Such a Remark on Your Portal

In our previous post, we discuss some of the problems that most trainees faced on their portal and what to do if you find yourself under such a situation.

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On that post, many trainees complained of getting a remark under their payment history on the NABCO portal as “Not Submitted Timesheet” meanwhile they’ve submitted.

This has been a thought-provoking remark for many since they can’t understand why such a message.

Many have lodged this complaint under the comment section of our page looking to know the reason why they get such a message as a remark and how to solve that mess.

We’ve taken a look at the problem and from what we gathered, there are four possible reasons for that. These, we are going to discuss with you in this article.

According to NABCO, Your monthly stipends are paid on the basis of both the work placement hours and the assigned training performance hour attained.

Thus, A Submitted Timesheet together with your work performance at your placement institution is what NABCo will use to pay your allowance.

This to say, it’s mandatory for all trainees to submit a well-endorsed Timesheet to their various district Offices for the processing of their monthly stipends.

Anyone that failed to submit a timesheet for a particular month risk not getting his/her allowance for that month.

Now the question is, why is it that, most trainees submitted their timesheet but yet, they get a remark on their portal that says otherwise?

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This question we guess is one of the most asked questions by many trainees facing payment problem with such as a remark

Staff at  golearnershub  have taken a second look at the situation, have also made some consultation with the relevant stakeholders and found that the four below reasons might be the cause of that remark:

  • Trainee failed to fill the timesheet as expected
  • Most of the trainee’s timesheet was not well endorsed
  • These Trainees failed to upload their Timesheet online
  • Most trainees had such a remark because of a system failure/glitch

What to do if you have such Remarks:

Immediately report the situation to your district coordinator.

This means you must visit the NABCO officer at your district and then confirm to see whether the timesheet you submitted is:

Well filled, Signed, endorsed by you and your immediate supervisor, and if so, then you rest assured that you had such feedback because of a system glitch that is currently being worked on.

Meanwhile, All trainees are being advised to stay safe from COVID-19 by following the laid down precaution.

The nation needs you alive, NABCO also needs you. NABCO, I Am a Nation Builder.


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READ ALSO  NABCO January 2021 Stipends Paid: See What to do if You've Not Received Message

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  1. Opare Samuel says

    So as we are to stay at home, how can we consult our coordinator and also if your district coordinator have been replaced with new coordinator how can I contact the previous coordinator for rectification. Thanks

    1. Staff Member says

      Pleas I believe the RTCs are still with you. So if your previous coordinator was replaced, you can still go to the RTCs for guidance. Mostly, they are those who work on the Timesheet before handing over to the coordinator for validation. You can also consult him/her on the phone for guidance.

  2. Alhassan Fuseini Mustapha says

    What about we those facing problem such as Validation not Approved?

    1. Staff Member says

      Inform your district coordinator to forward your details back to the regional coordinator for approval. If the remark is for March stipends, then there is no problem as the validation is currently ongoing.

  3. Samuel Opare says

    I ‘ve contacted my rtc’s, what they told me is they have done everything and have forwarded it to the secretariat, so is left with the secretariat to process everything because they are done with their.
    So please asking what should I do next?

  4. Fatima Ayyub says

    I submitted My January and February time sheet,I even upload My time sheet on My Nabco Portal. but my portal shows Time sheet not submitted,

  5. Aminat says

    Pls I want a transfer from Techiman to Accra

    1. Staff Member says

      See your district coordinator for that

  6. Stephen Agbenyo says

    Please I want to find out due to the COVID-19 virus are we to submit time sheet to our various coordinators and how to get our line managers to endorse our monthly time sheet will be difficult due to schools closed down. Please what I do in this situation.

    1. Staff Member says

      Yes. You can still submit the timesheet even without linemanager endorsing. The coordinators will accept them because it has already been communicated to them. Thanks

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