NABCO July 2020 Stipends Duly Paid See What to Do If you’ve not Been Paid

In our last update, we made mention that, July 2020 Stipend Validation was done and trainees should expect their stipends this week.

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In that update, we also mention some of the things that each trainee should do if he or she wants to always get paid alongside the mass.

Now, information received shows that, the July 2020 stipends have started hitting the trainee’s account and that, the payment process is still ongoing.

This means trainees who have not yet had a payment alert from NABCO should expect the money to hit their account by the close of the day.


It is worth mentioning that, there are instances where payments are made but because of the difference in the paying institution and the SMS alert center, some trainees would not receive the alert. When that happens, trainees are advised to go to the bank and check their card for the payment.

Meanwhile, trainees, who have successfully refunded their overpaid amount will soon be paid. That, the HQ is still verifying the receipt of those payment and once everything is verified, they shall have their arrears paid.

NABCO July Stipends

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  1. Nsor+martin says

    Still Nabco is not paying us after we refunded their money
    Till when will they pay us
    We are suffering ooo

  2. Martin says

    The overpaid trainee’s who have refunded their monies are regretting for being good to refund after they’ve not been payed for the past five months.pls try and pay them for the good name of our party.

    1. Martin says

      Mr CEO please as a matter of urgency let ur outfit pay the refunded overpaid trainee’s.thanks

    2. Staff Member says

      Please they will pay them soon. Maybe by the close of the coming week.

  3. Mercy Asor Asamoah says

    Pls is nt true they have paid, cos my July did nt cm and my August too

    1. Staff Member says

      Yes, Go yo your portal to check the remarks there/

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