NABCO Exit Pathway Workshop, See What’s entail & Why All Trainees Must Attend

During the NABCO’s 1 year Anniversary, Trainees were introduced to the NABCO exit pathway plans. These include Retention, Entrepreneurship, and Further Learning.

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NABCO offers beneficiaries the opportunity to either transition into permanent employment, entrepreneurship, or further studies.

In explaining the above 3 exit Pathway plans, NABCO went further to let trainees know that, the contract was for three years, and that at the end of the contract, some trainees will be transitioned to a permanent job, others will become entrepreneurs and those who will like to go for further studies might have already had the needed resources to help them further their studies.

Considering the period we find ourselves, where beneficiaries are preoccupied with identifying their preferred pathway as we make headway to hitting the end of the three-year contract, it is expedient of the leadership to come up with the training exercises which are currently ongoing across the regions.

To help in explaining further what these exit pathways are, an excepts was brought out by NABTAG highlighting the key exit pathway plans. They further made trainees know that the workshop is currently ongoing in all regions and districts.

That resource personnel from the NABCO HQ together with other relevant stakeholders will be present to give the insight to inform decisions to all trainees at the workshop.

The Group finally encourage all NABCO trainees to attend the workshop since it will be a beneficial one to all. See the full details below.

NABCO Trainees Association of Ghana (NABTAG)

7th September 2020

Get Informed to Make an Informed Decision Regarding Your Exit Pathway Choice.
As part of the checklists installed on the NABCO scheme to ensure that regular training programs are held to keep beneficiaries informed and updated with current trends in the labor market, the leadership has enrolled another mode of training aimed at reorienting trainees on the exit pathways.

Considering the period we find ourselves, where beneficiaries are preoccupied with identifying their preferred pathway as we make headway to hitting the end of the three-year contract, it is expedient of the leadership to come up with the training exercises which are currently ongoing across the regions.

NABCO offers beneficiaries the opportunity to either transition into permanent employment, entrepreneurship, or further studies. It behooves trainees themselves to conduct an introspection and identify where they prefer to make an exit. We cannot have a one size fits all approach to provisioning for permanent employment. In this light, NABTAG finds the ongoing training vitally important to getting trainees well exposed to the available options.

One other essential aspect of building an employable experience which underlines all the necessary values is embracing the NABCO KPIs (I.e. Knowledge, Punctuality, and Integrity). As we aim at getting permanent employment, let’s incorporate these values into our daily duties. As it has always been, employers are interested in what you bring on to the table with your addition to the labor force.

The training is being held nationwide, so make it a point to be part and get informed to make an informed decision regarding your exit pathway choice.

Note: NABTAG implores all and sundry to fully get involved in the training/workshop. Your compliance is highly necessary as far as the linkage to selecting specific exit pathway factors in trainee’s participation.

Once again, let’s appreciate the opportunity given to us by the Akuffo-Addo led the NPP government to secure our future through job creation.



Singed: Akwasi Botchway,
National Communication Team Lead (NABTAG)

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1 Comment
  1. Martin says

    Please pay the overpaid trainee’s who have refunded their monies and stop this, we don’t want npp to go to opposition but your actions are driving the party towards that come 7th December.

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